light head

It may be because I'm not in perfect aerobic shape, but I just started using Cathe's tapes, which are what I've been looking for for a long time, (I know, what took me so long???) anyways, during the boot camp tape and also during the Imax tape, at times, I become light headed and it takes me a min. to recover so I can continue with the routine. I have been exercising for awhile now, so I was surprised that they affected me this way. Does anyone else feel this way at times or is it just me?

Lynnie :(
Hi Lynnie,
I'm no expert but this could be happening because you need food. I'm not sure what time of day you workout, but if its first thing in the morning, you might want to drink a glass of orange juice about a half hour before you start working out. This will help. It sounds like you are having a drop in blood pressure which could be controlled by having something to eat or drink before you workout. I get this way at times, I'm hypoglycemic. Just a thought.
Debbie in OH
Thanks Debbie for responding. I usually workout around 10 or 11AM, after I've had something for breakfast, which is around 9-9:30. So maybe I should eat right before I workout instead of waiting. I read that if you workout first thing in the morning, you burn more calories than if you eat then worked out. Some say to eat first, so it gets kind of confusing when you want to burn fat fast and quick. I don't have much to lose, but it seems its taking forever to get rid of that all too famous belly fat. x( Anyways, thanks again and if you any more thoughts, its good to hear them. At least I'm not talking to myself.
Hi Lynnie,

That used to happen to me frequently because I didn't eat before the workout. Sometimes a small glass of orange juice gave me a little boost before the workout and it is natural and not too caloric! Try for me!

Hi Lynnie,

It sounds to me that you are not getting enough oxygen. You may be breathing hard, but not taking in oxygen. Try slowing down, modify and watch your breathing...
Another vote here for not enough food but also for not enough fluids. Make sure that you are taking in enough to fuel that workout - water and food. Boot camp is a tough workout for me to do first thing in the morning. I usually use an energy gel 15 minutes prior to my workout to make sure I have enough to get through. Another few options for you are raisins, dried cranberries, peanut butter. Sometimes a few swigs during the workout of electrolyte replacement helos too. There are many out there that are very low calorie but give you back what you are missing. (ie I don't recommend gatorade b/c that has too much sugar and calories but there are a few that have something like 50 calories per 8 ounces and do the very same thing, even better!).


it's a classic sign of over-exertion. All you have to do is adjust your expectations at the beginning as you acclimatize to the challenge of Cathe's workouts. Take it more slowly to begin with, stop and breathe when you need to, and sip water throughout the workout.

Within a few short weeks, with gradually increased intensity and duraation, this symptom will disappear as your cardiovascular fitness improves.

With Boot Camp, I would sometimes feel a little light headed when going from the ab work (on floor) to standing. This can be related to low blood pressure. Anyway, I "solved" the problem by doing the "all but core" premix, followed by the "core only" premix, so I didn't go from lying to standing.
Hey Kathryn, Thanks for taking the time to respond. You are right about the getting up and down. What is the "all but core" premix and the "core only" premix. Are those two new videos, or taken from existing ones? I must say Cathe is tough for sure, but I love all of her videos. Well actually I just have Pyramid upper and Pyramid lower, Cardio and Weights, Boot Camp, Imax, & Muscle Endurance. I just started rotating those. Do you have others you would suggest I get. Oh, I also have the ab tape. Anyways, thanks agin.
Thanks Christine for responding. I have to ask thou, what is an energy gel?? I eat breakfast before I workout, thou I wait an hour or so before I start the workout. I use to get up, drink a glass of water and do 20 mins. of cardio (Bill Phillips) not to say I didn't lose or get in better shape with him, but I was too hungry and I hated getting up and not having the time to wake up. I am not a morning person at all. Thats why now, I get up, eat and then do my workout. I usually have water with me and sip some during the workout, and after I have a protein shake or bar for recovery. Other than that I guess my cariovasular system isn't as in shape as I thought. I love all the Cathe tapes I have and they are hard, but I'm sticking with them. Thanks for the advise thou.
After we bought our new house, I reduced my workouts to two times a week. This is because I was so involved with my new house that my priorities changed and decorating was more important than workouts. Then the lightheadedness started. Whenever I would workout, I felt light headed and dizzy. It scared me and I couldnt understand it because I was in tip top shape before.

What I finally realized was that I was losing my fitness level pretty quickly. Those two workouts a week just werent enough. Now I workout five times a week and I never feel lightheaded anymore.

The "Premixes" are found only on the DVD's and are ready-to-use mix-and-match workouts taken from the original workout. One reason why DVD's are SO much better than videos, especially Cathe's DVD's.
Thanks Kathryn for that. My workout room is in the basement where I only have a video machine, but your right. DVD's are much better, time to save for that. Again, thanks.
I used to have that problem on occassion - when I was new to Cathe tapes. They really are more intense than the others out there. I moved up from The Firm and my first Cathe tape was MIC - I told my husband that there was no way the girls in the tape did it all the way through without resting. Of course, a few weeks later I was doing it all the way through.

It's most likely just because it's a bit more intense than what you've been doing. I would just rest a bit, or lower your intensity and then pick it up when you're a bit recovered.

Are you doing it on a completely empty stomach? If I'm exercising in the morning, I usually have a bowl of cereal a little while before I start.
I had a similar problem, but I also got a severe headache, esp when doing BootCamp. Several people helped me with ideas - mostly they suggested it was due to sudden and significant increase in intensity. They suggested a better warm-up before doing the actual workout. So I now do a separate warm-up for about 15 minutes and I also modify the squat thrust things - using a chair instead of going down to the floor. I can now do the workout pain free and no lightheadedness - which I'm really glad for since BootCamp is one of my favorites!
Energy gel is about 100 calories and it a combination of carbs that gives you energy to do sustained workouts. There are several brands (powergel, GU, cliff gel) but I an partial to GU in the chocolate flavor. You eat is about 15 minutes prior to your workout and then every so often (for a long workout) thereafter. It tastes like chocolate frosting and has almost the same consistency. It is truly meant for workouts more than 60 minutes and mostly for long events like marathons, century bike rides, etc., but I use a half packet in the morning before my workouts b/c I have to get up and get moving right away. I have no time to digest any "real food" but I need something in my belly or I will feel terrible, lightheaded, etc. and won't get through my workout. The energy gel gives me something to carry me through the workout but not too much (or I will get sick to my stomach). I also will use a half or full packet if I am feeling particularly tired or do a very difficult workout (boot camp) and I will notice that rather than feeling like I am ready to drop and losing focus at the end, I am much more "with it" and able to complete the workout with almost as much energy as the beginning. Don't get me wrong...I am tired! But I am not clumsy, exhausted, etc when I use the GU. It is something worth trying, if nothing else!!!

Stick with it and you will do better with Cathe's workouts. She is a tough cookie but when you nail them every time, oh boy will you feel the satisfaction! Christine

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