Let's talk about Body for Life...


Yesterday I was in the library and they had a copy of BFL, so I was flipping through it while waiting for the kiddo to frantically finish his school report at the last minute. The plan seems fairly simple, but what surprised me was the pushing of the supplements/drinks (myoplex) that the author's company sells. I'm not opposed to supplements or protein drinks or whatever per se, but I was immediately turned off the program because he seems so reliant on the three-myoplex-a-day strategy. Which made me question what business he is really in, you know? I just don't see what's so hard about cooking two chicken breasts instead of one so you'd have the second one for your next meal rather than relying on the shake.

So has anyone done this program successfully, with or without the myoplex?

Marie, You can DEFINITELY do BFL without the Myoplex supplements - there are many people who do this. I did it myself the first time I tried the program and it worked GREAT!

The biggest problem with the original Body for Life book for me was that I got a little bored with the food. A few years later, they came out with the Eating for Life cookbook, which I highly recommend. It gives some great "authorized" recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

Bottom line: Body for Life works and it works well. I was in the best shape of my life when I was 100% on the program. I've tried it a couple of other times with varying degrees of success due to life circumstances but if you commit, it WILL work. It helps if you don't travel for a living though. :)

Good luck!
Hi Marie.

I was pregnant when I purchased the book. I did not follow his exercise plan (too little for me). I also did not buy his shakes though I did have a small stock of protein bars on hand just in case. I followed his eating plan and it helped me to keep control of my eating and not gain too much weight during my pregnancy. It is the same basic plan that I also used when I lost the weight after Joey was born. I was calorie staggering along with it though because I was having a tough time getting that preggo weight off.

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