Good Morning Y'All (or yous or how ever many want to chime in today LOL!!
Just getting us started even though PCC is planned for later today with DH. Decided to sleep in just because it's important to do that every now & then Also, received my Results & Recovery Formula & Shakeology yesterday and will start incorporating those into my diet for the next 1/2 of Insanity to give me that extra boost for the longer workouts. It's a rainy weekend here & being that I'm in the Keys we'll be keeping an eye on the storms lining up below us
Elena - just do what you can
Colleen & Sandra - thanks for the encouragement
Hope you all are doing great and if you don't get a chance to check in I hope it's because you are having fun
Just getting us started even though PCC is planned for later today with DH. Decided to sleep in just because it's important to do that every now & then Also, received my Results & Recovery Formula & Shakeology yesterday and will start incorporating those into my diet for the next 1/2 of Insanity to give me that extra boost for the longer workouts. It's a rainy weekend here & being that I'm in the Keys we'll be keeping an eye on the storms lining up below us
Elena - just do what you can
Colleen & Sandra - thanks for the encouragement
Hope you all are doing great and if you don't get a chance to check in I hope it's because you are having fun