Let's brag . . . what's you BEST muscle?


In the same vein as "what's your problem muscle," let's take this opportunity to brag on the one or two muscles that simply amaze us.

Me, it's the triceps. I can't believe I can lift a 25-pound barbell up and down behind my head! Many, many times. There was a time not long ago when I couldn't even get 25 pounds up off the ground! (And I still can't do a straight-leg push-up). And now that I mention it, those deadlifts everyone complains about are just toooo easy--even with 40 or 50 pounds. Why is that???

So what's yours? What's your BEST muscle? What's easy for you?
Like you, dead lifts have become easy for me. 60 or 70 pounds (for a few reps), I can do 16 reps with 50 pounds smoothly and with comfort. Especially when Cedie's counting.

I noticed that while I was working outside, digging trenches and filling them with river rocks (several sacks of 50 pounds each, these rocks look like small multicolored potatoes), I had to get up and squat way down many times. Getting up was easier than ever. I felt like I was doing Pilates: the hip flexors and abs were working together and I had lots of stamina. Got a lot done!

In the old days I would have let the men do the work. Now I feel much more equal in 'sweat equity!'

OK so I guess that means my back and entire core are noticably stronger.
Legs. Last year I was squatting 225 x8 to parallel. I think most women are really strong in their legs, they just have to push themselves.

I can't say I lift huge amounts of weight, but my legs are defined even when I skimp on weights. How could they not be with all the tough Cathe tapes, running, and spinning?

I only wish my legs were long! I'm only 5'!

Also, my back is nice since that's the one area with no fat so the toned muscles show up!
My legs are definately my best part. They are long, thin and muscular. I can't tell you what I can bench press, but I am trainning for a 15K in July. Every time I run, I am amazed that my legs can carry me all that way.

I'd have to say shoulders and arms. I love how strong and defined my shoulders are and my arms continue to amaze me! I like how my legs are getting to be,but they're not my best part-(yet). Susan
Legs. But then biceps and chest!
WOW! I can' t believe triceps were mentioned as the best muscle! Mine suck! :)
I like to use 20's on biceps and chest
Not that it's necessarily my strongest, but if I have something to brag about, it's my back. Now mind you, I can't even do one body weight pull up, but for some reason it is sculpted to the max! When I was training with Steve (from Cardio Kicks) at Four Seasons, he used to tell me I had a "show back". I'd tell him that that was God's little joke on me- to give me the one muscle group that I never see and make it perfect, lol! Give me a "show BUTT", honey, then I'll get excited:-gloat!

Well, my shoulders would have to be the most well defined.But, I think my Biceps are alot stronger.I can lift more when doing biceps then shoulders.I said in the other post that my triceps were the weakest.I don't know if that is absolutly the truth :D.I do lift pretty much the same weight as Cathe uses in her videos but it just seems as if I am been stuck at the same weight for a long time.And it takes alot to get them sore.
I did Power Hour yesterday and so far today nothing is sore.But I did just get up out of bed so it could take a little while.
I have really good (which in my definition means "defined") upper body muscles, and my abs look pretty good, too, if you discount what my tubal ligation did to my abs back in 1975. This was pre-belly button surgery.

My legs are another matter - a constant work in progress which are getting better in this last year. My eventual goal is to have my legs show the definition that my upper extremities do.

Just Do It! :)
Probably abs are my genetic gift. Sadly, I'm also "bootylicious", so I end up looking like one of those ladies from the 1880s wearing a corset and a bustle. This makes finding (fashionable) pants difficult, even with $$$ of alterations. I also like my arms and shoulders, but I have to work more for those since I don't naturally have a lot of muscle.


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