Legs really sore today from running - should I lift?


Ooof! I went running yesterday for the first time in many years (yeah me:D ) and I knew I would be sore, but my quads, hip flexors and shins are really sore today (DOMS.) I was planning on doing weights today - just got Push Pull & Supersets. Should I skip legs? Or just take it as I find it and rest if the particular exercise seems like too much?

RE: Legs really sore today from running - should I lift...

Myself, when that happens, I do an upperbody workout and extra long stretch or yoga for my legs.

Good on ya- with the run!!;-)
Hi Stephanie.

I think that is totally up to you. Try it if you are undecided!

Doing leg work while being sore from cardio/running is not the same as lifting 2 days in a row so it's really fine to do if you want to. If it were me, I would do it and just lighten the weights if I had to. I like Becky's stretching suggestion though. Get a good one when you are done! :)
I wouldn't lift using my lower body today. Let your legs get used to running!! I'd probably choose upper body and abs, SS/PP has some good premixes using just upper body...:)
Don't risk hurting your legs anymore. Do a workout for your upper body, maybe some abs, and do a SUPER good stretch for the legs. Every muscle in the legs needs a good stretch }(

Take Care,
>What time do you get out of bed????
>I would skip the legs. Stretch the shins and legs. Just go
>upper body crazy today and maybe abs.

I usually get up around 7.30. I'm planning on working out later this afternoon, before dinner. I spent half the day in the ER w/ my 8 yo son - fractured his wrist playing footie.:-( Now we are back home and I need to do a few chores,then I'll workout. I feel a bit better than I did this morning, now that I've been up and around. I think I'll try to whole workout.:7
If you are super sore, just stretch the legs. If you have what I call "good sore" or "good Doms"...moderate, can tell you worked, then I do lower body but with lighter weights. I'll do a total body workout but may scale back one set of weights for lower body. It is usually after that weight session that the sore goes away. I think using those muscles when there is a slight amount of DOMS helps get blood and oxygen to the muscles and for me, makes my legs feel better.

Again, too sore, then stretch. Since it was your first time running, I'd suggest a good stretch until the muscles get use to running. For future reference, see my above rambling.
Hi Steph - long time runner here. Can I add to the excellent advice here a few other things: take a warm/hot bath if you can, throw in some Epsom salt or kosher salt (really it works!) if you have it. Also some ibuprofin (Advil, Motrin) to help reduce the swelling caused by the run (that is what is causing the "achiness"). Then ice anything that might really hurt. Also keep your legs elevated whenever possible.

We want to keep you running girl! Take care.

Thanks for the great advice everyone! I think my next run/walk will be Saturday, as DH is out of town until late Friday night, so I can't leave my little broken-armed guy alone in the house! That should be enough time for rest, don't you think? School starts Tuesday, though, so I should be able to get in 2-3 runs a week.:D
Owwwww! I did Push Pull today, skipping some of the leg stuff (lunges and leg presses) and doing no weight squats, deadlifts as normal (since my hams aren't sore.) If anything, I am more sore this evening than yesterday! I'm hoping it's just the DOMS working itself out - we'll see how I feel in the morning. It's cardio day tomorrow, so I would like to be able to do something, though probably something w/o too much impact.:p

I did do extra stretching today, too. Off to bed soon, after taking some more advil!

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