LEGS, dimples or cellulite,HELP NEED ADVICE.....


New Member
Hi Cathe,

I am 38 and a mother of two children. 5' 2" 114lbs. My legs are 22" at the upper thigh. I was a Jazz and Balley Dancer in my early years from 5-25. Now I am a dancer Teacher. After Pregnancy I have developed these pockets or fat under the skin of my thighs. I can see it more if I squeeze my skin on my thighs together. It seems like a layer just below the skin. But left relaxed u can see some slight wrinkles in some spots on my thigh or some slight bump from it in the inner thigh. I am in good shape. I have always been athletic and I can do most of your toughest workouts, usually ready to collapse at the end :)
my Thighs are strong and in good shape and my upper body is lean. I have pretty good muscle. I have recently starting working out more frequently since getting your tapes and doing FITTV with you as well. Great stuff

What can I do to get rid of these pockets,Celulite or wrinkle areas?. Is it just a matter of keep working my legs to bust those pockets out and bring the muscle through more? or Some special cream to help or special diet? I am not fat at all its very frustrating? please give me some advice?

Hi Victoria! A high pecentage of woman in the world have some form of cellulite on their body. The amount of cellulite one carries and where it decides to settle on the body is strongly influenced by genetics. The less cellulite you have on your body, the better chances you have of ridding yourself of it completely. You can definitely improve (or eliminate) the area through active cardio and weight exercise, clean eating, and ample water intake. Stay committed, sleep well, and eat a wide and balanced variety of nutritious foods. It is not easy to battle cellulite but huge improvements are made if a devoted effort is given. Good Luck!
Liposuction?! Just kidding, I don't think there is a whole lot you can do to completely rid yourself of cellulite, especially as you get older and your metabolism slows. Just wait until you hit 40. I always thought I would stay slim but I work out hard every day and it gets tougher and tougher to keep the bod in shape. Someone said in a post months ago that once she hit 40, it felt like there was a thin layer of additional fat everywhere, the best description of how I felt even though my workouts and eating habits haven't changed. OH WELL! At least I am happy, healthy and fit, despite a few more dimples on the thighs.

Monroe, WI

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