Legs and Glutes...I love this workout!!

I've been doing PLB and wanted to try this for a change. What a tough workout!! But I must say, Cathe definitely makes it fun.

I just realized after doing this workout, that I LIKE doing leg presses, squats, and lunges now, whereas before I started working out, I hated them because I was so weak in those areas. Now I'm less of a fan of the floorwork :p

I'm so glad I've discovered working out with Cathe. I'm hooked.

Hi Marcy,

I'm with you on this workout. I have soooo much fun when I use this workout :D . No dread factor at all!

Did this one this morning and forgot how it would make my legs burn! I really enjoy this one - and it's not a stoogy weight work out - I get a decent Cardio workout as well. I was surprised at my calorie burn.

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