legs and diet


I workout 6 days a week. I do one of Cathe's leg videos on Monday and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday I do one of her arm video's and 30-45 mins. of cardio. Weds. and Sat. I do one hour of cardio, usually some type of kickboxing. I am not necessarily looking to lose weight but to tone and add more muscle definition. I have noticed some great changes in my body but I have always had a problem with my outer thigh and glutes. I wanted to know what the best exercises are for these area's and if the work-out program I have set up seems right for my goals.

I also have a question regarding diet, everything I read says how important diet is and I feel that I do okay in this area but I find it hard to find new recipes. I stay at home with two kids so I am looking for quick and easy.

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