leg workout and run on the same day

Is it okay to do a leg workout and run on the same day? I did GS legs early this morning (around 5 am), but I really feel like running during my lunch break (around 2pm)today- nothing too much- maybe 3-4 miles.
Yup, it's fine. Go for it and enjoy it! Actually, I'm following Cathe's "Strong Like a Bull" rotation right now and tomorrow I'm scheduled to do PLB and a 30 minute run. I like running and working the legs on the same day. I always run AFTER a LB w/o though. It helps me shake out my legs and hopefully get rid of some lactic acid and prevent bad DOMS.


I do both on the same day, but there are usually a few hours in between the two. For instance, I would do GS legs in the morning, and then run 3 miles in the afternoon.
I personally love to run after a lower body work out. It helps to loosen things up a bit...or work out the kinks if you will. I do it often. There is no reason why you can't. It just comes down to personal preference. :)
And I never combine the two. When I run, I want to give it my all and I love to do it. I do not want my performance dulled by muscle soreness.

Of any run, the first mile can feel tough, as you work through muscle fatigue and getting into your stride, getting any kinks out and getting into your breathing rhythm: why would I want to compound that by having weight trained my legs beforehand?

I say no. But, it is a question of personal preference. I think it depends upon whether you are running for fitness, in which case combining is fine and may be what you want, or running to become a better runner, in which case weight training legs on the same day will compromise performance and improvement IMHO.


If I run on the same day that I lift for my legs, I usually do my run in the early AM and then strength train at lunch time several hours later.

I'm currently following a rotation where I'm training w/ really heavy weights at the gym.. I can't imagine running afterwards.. my legs are mush and I'm too wimpy too even think about doing anything afterwards. :)

Take care, Lynn M.
When I was younger (in my 20's and 30's) I loved running after a leg workout. And honestly I got some of my best times doing it. It is all about what works best for you. Now that I am approaching 50 I don't always run after leg workouts unless they are short (20-30 min) and endurance based, I don't run right after a heavy leg workout...:)

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