Leg work


I would like to incorporate my The Firm Volume One (floorwork section only) with at least a 2 day a week Cathe MIS dvd. I would like to do The Firm floorwork at least 3 days but don't know if this is over kill and may not yield results. Oh, Did I mention I would like to include cardio at least 3 days of cardio. Anybody been doing something like this? Any pointers? Thanks in advance for advice. Donna:7
This would be awfully hard to do unless you have a lot of time because MIS is already a very long workout. You could do MIS Upper Body with the Firm floorwork on one day and MIS Lower Body with the Firm floor work on another. The other thing you could do is simply do the Firm floorwork after your cardio workouts. That way you would get in your desired 3 days of it.

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