Leg Definition

I know this isn't usually asked however if any of you have great definition to your legs, you know the type where your quad pops out and you can see the curve in your leg. Could you tell me what Cathe tape is best for this type of result? Would it be Legs and Glutes or Muscle Endurance, what do you guys think? I realize that diet is important too, however I would like to achieve more definition in my legs. Thanks for any help.
Diet is far more important than the type of leg training you do (though important). Definition is caused by low body fat.

In addition to what Wayne said, I'd do a PLB and PS legs rotation to build muscle followed by a leaner Legs routine for several weeks to define and shape. I don't think it's an "either/or" situation, rther an "x+y". I think the combo of strength and endurance leg work would produce the best result, as would incorporting hill walking/hiking and running into your program. These last two cardio activities are the best leg shapers.

I got mine doing the Slow & Heavy series, and I keep it there with Legs & Glutes and PLB!!!

IMO, Definition = developed muscle + lower body fat, so a good combo of weight training and cardio (especially cardio that also helps tone the legs, like running--especially sprinting, kickboxing, spinning and step) is essential. You've gotten some good advice on how to implement the combo.
Well I do my leg w/o at the gym, but I've found heavy lunges on the smith machine give great quad definition. Then standing leg curls to even out definition on the hams.

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