Kim, if 93-97% of communication is nonverbal, it is unfortunate that we're not able to see the other people on this forum...and read their non-verbal cues. I think a lot of misunderstandings would be avoided. I know I've written some things that people took in a way that was completely opposite of the way I intended. They were more a reflection of how I talk with my friends, family and people who really know and love me.
There was an entire Sex and the City episode devoted to this. Where Carrie does a photo shoot for a cover that she thinks is going to read "Single...and FABULOUS!!!," when actually it reads "Single...and fabulous???"
I think we sometimes (I do, at least) feel a false sense of security here...that we are surrounded by people that know exactly what brought us to the present moment. I have to remind myself sometimes that we really are having an Internet relationship. I mean, if I sat next to a fellow Cathlete on the train, I wouldn't know it. And let's face it...some of the people who have the biggest arguments here would probably be friends in "real life."
It's hard not to take things personally, and often harder to stand up for what you believe. But aside from the ridiculous and needless drama that sometimes goes on, I think we really do each other a great service. The people who disagree with us actually help us define who we are, what we will (and will not) stand for. My feelings have been really hurt by some of the remarks posted on The Cathe Nation, and I'm sure some people have felt hurt by my comments. But I'm grateful, even for the comments that seem beastly and bullying. Because they make me think about issues in a much deeper way. And help me define who I am. At the end of the day, all I can do is try to have a sense of humor about it and find ways that we are alike, instead of different. We are a strong, amazing group of women.
PS...For every one person who makes you feel bullied, not listened to, invisible, stupid, or any other miserable feeling...there are 100 of us here to support you. And most of the time, the person who made you feel that way didn't mean to...and will try to repair the mistake.
See you around the forum, friend!