Leaner Legs or Legs and Glutes?


I am trying to decide which of these i want. which is more fun? how is the music in L&G? is one harder than the other? opinions please gurus!

Hi. I personally like L&G better. I also think it is tougher. I know that a lot of people feel LL (nicknamed Meaner Legs) is tougher but I do not feel it as much later as I do L&G. I love the music in L&G; it is just as good as the rest of the BB series. I also think there is much more variety in L&G; you do standing and floor work. The ankle weight portion is good and tough. The explosive segments are good. I think it is an all around better work out. Others do differ. Plus, it is longer, and if you get the DVD, you get KPC with it - a fabulous workout that also has good premixes in it mixing it up with L&G.

Hope this helps!:)
I agree. I like L&G MUCH better -there is alot of variety and the time flies and I always feel this one the next day. Besides, the DVD with KPC is an absolute must have. So basically, I totally agree with everything Melissa said.:) Hey Melissa - couldn't have said it better myself:)

I'm another fan of Legs and Glutes -- I think the fun and variety factor is high and yet it really works your legs. I always add an ab workout to it and then it's perfect. Although I do think Leaner Legs is tougher in parts (but shorter, with no inner thigh work, unless plie squats count), I hardly ever reach for it because I don't enjoy it nearly as much. I also really enjoy the outer thigh emphasis of Legs and Glutes (which isn't really in any of the other workouts that I own). In fact, L & G and K, P, C are two of the workouts I do the most often.
L& G it is then. Thank you for your advice. I am a little learry of KPC though. i have never gotten "into" kickboxing, but it's cathe, so maybe i'll love it! we'll see.

Legs & Glutes..I have a high dread factor for Leaner Legs. I really have to push myself to do it. The fun factor is there for L&G, so I tend to do that one more often.

Aila:) :) :)

edited for typos:)
Both are great workouts but I prefer Leg and Glutes too.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:)
Legs and Glutes is a great leg workout, I don't even have the other workout you mentioned but Legs and Glutes does have a lot of variety and great music!
I too PREFER L&G, but LL is one mean workout and definitely worth having! LL is harder in my opinion.
I enjoy Legs & Glutes more. I do think Leaner legs is harder mainly because the sets have many repetitions and the weight is heavier. You are not using a barbell in Legs & Glutes either. Both are excellent workouts.
Diane Sue
Jes- Leaner Legs is butt-kickin mean. This is one tough workout. I have very strong legs (always have) & that made me just about cry. In fact, I'm gonna just get the DVD & replace my videos. This was the first series I bought. My vote is for Leaner Legs. However, KPC is a pretty fun workout too. As someone else posted, third time's a charm & now I really like this one.

But back to LL, at one point Cathe has you doing low-ends during the stationary lunges & she tells you to stay down there "until further notice". It is BRUTAL!;(
Marla---- i am not suicidal yet, so i think i'll go for L&G! it always cracks me up when cathe is getting a kick out of the "torture factor". when i got ME last week, and was doing it for the 1st time i was laughing out loud at her during biceps. she loves brutal! but that's why we love her right?!

Jes - get L&G to start with...you need KPC as well which comes on the same DVD! Trust me, you'll be glad you did! :) :)

I've had LL for awhile now ( VHS long before I got my CTX DVD ) but it is basically brand new. I remember thinking, " It won't end!!! "
when I first tried it about 4 years ago. It came up on the rotation last night and sure enough..." It won't end!!! " Atleast in PH once you get through the squats and lunges which is just 2 tracks you're leg torture is done. This thing had low ends and sit and stands and single leg lunges and then stationary lunges and 3 sets of leg presses x 16 reps per set. I mean, my happiest moments were the deadlifts! I have been running a lot for cardio lately and have neglected my leg workouts ... you'd think after all that running they'd be strong. But no! They were shaking most of the time.
I think Leaner Legs is more painful, tougher, and a better workout for the quads. Legs and Glutes is very effective, more fun, hits more muscles, better music etc. If I could only buy one, I'd buy Legs and Glutes, but I'm glad I have them both.
Leaner legs every time. I love and relish the challenge of it. It does not have the dread factor for me that PH legs has. I think it is a superb workout for the entire lower body, not just quads. I also like the "quick and dirty" simplicity of it and the way it just keeps moving along, no time wasted. I find it motivating.

I own Legs & Glutes and have never done it. As of present, I have not felt motivated to even try it and haven't yet felt I can be bothered to mess around with equipment and step heights for it.

If everyone agrees LL is tougher and gets results then, why bother with anything easier?}( }( }( }( }( }( }(

Just kiddin'! Each to their own, right? The important thing is to just keep moving!

Clare :)

You HAVE to try it! (L&G's) It is such a great workout and some different moves to mix up what we usually do. Awww come on, just for me??? They are BOTH great workouts but because they are very different, I think they both are a must-have. Have I convinced you yet??? ;-)
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I'm trying L&G for the second time today. I'm hoping that it feels tougher this time. The first time I think I wasn't doing some things right (new ways of working the legs that I haven't done before). It's pretty cool, though. Definitely not dull.
Sometimes I have someone watch me to see if I look "just like Cathe" when I'm doing an exercise. If my husband or daughter says something like, "Her elbows are closer to her body than yours" I adjust and it always makes a difference.
You might try having someone watch you. Good luck!

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