Lean Body Mass?


I'm probably not going to get a lot of responses on New Year's Day but I have to ask (and I can bump it later, I guess). Here goes:

I've been reading a lot of Chad Waterbury's stuff over at FigureAthlete.com because he seems to understand what I'm after and how best to get it. He's also a big fan of John Berardi's and Precision Nutrition (also a FA and T-Nation.com contributor) program, which I've brought up several times over here. Anyway, In Waterbury's articles there's a lot of math (He's surprisingly sharp for a cute, hunky obsessed gym rat) but if you don't know your Lean Body Mass (LBM) you can't do any of it. I asked over there and it looks like I'm going to have to have a test done at Ohio State... which I won't be able to swing ($) until April, at least. So I was wondering... how many of you know your LBM and how did you find out?
This might not be what you're looking for, but for a less accurate measure could you just have a trainer use calipers to determine your %body fat and lean body mass index? It wouldn't be as accurate as underwater weighing, but it might be a place to start for the program you're using.
If I had a trainer (exactly what was suggested at FA) that's what I'd do. Don't even have a gym membership.

Also, where would they pinch me? My waist (unless you hit my tummy:() is nowhere near as plump as my thighs. I really am hoping to be avoid being dunked again. Thank you for your input.
stacey, at a gym i belonged to once they pinched several places (back, belly, bis tris,, thigh) and determined the average.

Also, where would they pinch me? My waist (unless you hit my tummy:() is nowhere near as plump as my thighs. I really am hoping to be avoid being dunked again. Thank you for your input.
They usually test three areas (thigh, abdominals and upper arm, for women) and average the three percentages to estimate overall body fat percentage.

(FYI: no need to bump the thread: as absentee forum members check in, it will be indicated that its an unread thread for them).
Stacey: Call your local hospitals or check their websites. A lot of them have sports medicine programs and that is how I got my body fat % checked, as well as my VO2max. The body fat % was only $20, I think.
Stacey: Call your local hospitals or check their websites. A lot of them have sports medicine programs and that is how I got my body fat % checked, as well as my VO2max. The body fat % was only $20, I think.

Awesome. That never occurred to me. This is the perfect solution so thanks so much!
Stacey: You're welcome! Let us know what you find out. I was pleasantly surprised by my body fat #, thrilled with my VO2 max and unhappy with my resting metabolic rate. So yeah, I'm lifting heavy now! :)

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