Lance Armstrong


Oh My. Lance got sportsmans of the year. What an honor. He deserves more credit.
I truely love this man......too bad he's married......
He is truely an inspiration....
It's great to see a cyclist honored by Sports Illustrated! His accomplishments on the bike & with his charitable foundation haven't received the attention they deserve in the U.S. Still, I think life is good for Mr. Armstrong & his family.

He was just here in Annapolis on Thursday to help celebrate a 3 million dollar donation from an area man here to the Anne Arundel Medical Center Cancer Center. I wanted to ditch work to meet him but couldn't get away...
Trevor :) :-jumpy
I just love Lance. I've followed his career closely and he's just one amazing man. He deserves all the credit given to him and more.

Trevor I'd have had to gone and seen him no matter what your more dedicated than I could have been to work if Lance was in town ;-)

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