Lactation after stopping breastfeeding


Here is the deal. I stopped breastfeeding my son 20 months ago. My milk production is still active. I had my hormones checked, everything is normal. I wrapped my breasts up tightly for three weeks now but the milk won't stop. Any suggestions? My doctor does not want to prescribe medicine because the side effects are worse than the milk production. But I really would like my body back. Any home remedies ideas are appreciated.
Did your doctor check thyroid levels? I was having some problems a few years ago. I started to have a discharge from my breasts. When I went to my doctor about it he checked my throid levels. He said that when thyroid levels drop it can stimulate prolactin in some women. My throid level came back low and my prolaction levels came back in the normal range, but since starting sythroid I don't have the problem anymore. I wonder sometimes if levels that are normal for one person aren't normal for another. He took this condition very seriosly and checked out other things as well. He made sure I had a baseline mammogram to illiminate any other causes as well.

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