Kudos To Cathe



Hi Folks,

Cathe really is incredible. Went to Videofitness.com. The site called "The 100 Club". Those who have or curently own 100 videos or more can post with thier revues of exercise videos. Cathe is in 96% of them. She is listed as best videos, instuctor, strenght, etc. It was a eye opener. The folks who post are from all different stages of exercise. Her name came up again & again.

Couldn't help but smile! I hope Cathe looks thru that web site!
You Go Girl!!!!

hi laura,

I have to say that reading about Cathe there made me fired up enough to try.. and i am soo glad i did.. .. they do say great stuff about her and her work .. and she can surely back it up .. ! You go Cathe, with your bad self!!! LOL

love yall

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