KPC accomplishment


I've had KPC for a couple years and I finally completed the conditioning drills and all 3 combos, I've been doing just the two up until now, and it really kicked my butt. That's the good news, the bad news (or should I say gross) was the smacking sound of my thighs when I was doing the jacks. I don't know why, but this really grossed me out and I consider myself to be in good shape. I think I just need to keep a little distance between my legs when doing jacks, or wear long pants:D
Bubble wrap works well. And it's fun. It makes that lovely popping sound when your thighs smack together. It's my workout padding of choice;)

On a more serious note, congrats on going further than you've gone before.:)
It's always the sound of my knees, and my son just drops in when I do this workout and begs me to have something done with them. I know I sound like I am snap, crackling and popping, but my knees no longer bother me anymore, but then again I haven't been running much due to the heat. You just have to get use to certain sounds. I like the music in KPC so just turn up the volume or listen to your own music very loud too.


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