Know of any good books on swimming with specific instructions?

Hey everybody!!
I'm planning to do a triathlon sometime late in 2003.
Since I still have lots of time, I was wondering if you guys knew of any good books on swimming.
I know how to swim, the problem is I don't know how to do most of the swimming strokes . Pretty much what I'm looking for is an instructional book .
For example , a book that would explain the back stroke, then explain how to do it step by step . It would then continue to have the same type of explanations for breast stroke, butterfly etc.....
I need tips on form and mechanics as well.
I really don't have time to work with a swimming coach, so if you guys know of any great books that could help me, I would really appreciate it.
Take Care,
You might look at Total Immersion books. They have good drills for gaining effeciency in the water. Their website is Also, if you can find a local Masters group to swim with, it is a good workout, you get good instruction and make alot of new friends. Check your local YMCA. Our Y doesn't even require the Masters to be members to be part of the team.

Hope this helps,


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