Knee Tracking Problem


Maribeth was right---I am experiencing a knee tracking problem in my right leg! Anyone (including Maribeth) have any advice? It hurts me only when doing cardio with impact and then not always consistently, just if I land "wrong" on it.
Thanks, Suzanne

In my case there is a range of motion in which the tracking is fairly normal, so I stay in that range for all of my squat, step-up and lunge type motions. If you have a PT. he or she should be able to find that for you. With impact, I just weigh the fun/fitness aspects against the pain and decide how far to push myself, knowing a price will be paid. Keep your quad and hamstring strength balanced, and don't let your left side do too much compensating or you'll soon have two bad knees....been there, done that. Good luck.

Hi, Suzanne,
You will want to get back to full range of motion with normalized tracking, which means corrective exercises and stretching. I'd be glad to help as much as I can via cyberspace, so feel free to e-mail me!

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