Knee Pain from the Step?


Hi there,

I just invested in my first Cathe videos...the body blast series and love it so far.

Problem is, budget allowed for the purchase of the high step (haven't used it yet) so I didn't buy another step for the step blast workout.

I have an old 'soft step' that is not as easy to use, and is probably much higher than a step with one riser which is what i used to use at the health club.

Ever since doing the step blast workout (2x this week) my right knee is in pain (the day after). This is scaring me because I've never ever had any knee problems and am fairly active.

Does anyone know if the step height could be causing this? I am freaking out that I won't be able to do step at all if this continues....and I love step...

Any advice greatly appreciated.

If I use a step that is too high or just do too much step, my right knee starts to bother me. The only thing that helps is to lay off step for a week or two and then use only my 6" step. I try to vary my cardio with kickboxing and I find that this helps immensely. Good luck and I hope that your knee feels better. If not, check it out with a doctor.
I find that Cathe's more recent step workouts have too much torque and it bothers my knees. I can do her "Classics" though without the same problem.

When I first began stepping, I had one of those soft steps because I thought it would be easier on my knees, but I found out that it was actually worse.
thank you for the input...

it's my right knee also that hurts.

i will stop using the soft step and try switching over to kpc for a while (love that anyway).

if that doesn't help i'll check it out with a doctor.

You've gotten good advice already...use an appropriate step per workout needs...and take a break from high impact for a few days and let the injury heal. But I wanted to say that I used to be a runner in my twenties into early thirties but overuse caused a knee injury for me that has never gone away. I'm okay as long as I don't run so I walk/jog in combo and alternate my cardio with video workouts. I actually credit the Firm videos with getting my knees reconditioned when they introduced the tall box. I started using it immediately and all those tall box climbs strengthened the muscles supporting my knees and made me realize that a more well-rounded exercise program was the smart way to go. I still do alot of high impact exercise...I just can't do the same thing five days a week or that knee will flare up. So, workout smartly and pay attention to your body. Slow down when you experience pain because it is your body trying to get your attention.
I do have knee problems and I only step once per week and I don't use any risers at all (I use the top of the step). I also modify any high impact moves. So far I've been able to step even with my problems including step blast. I'm really short (5'0") so the top of the step is fine for me. One riser on a "normal" step might be right if you are taller.

Take it from me, protect your knees at all costs and if it doesn't stop bothering you see a Dr.! :) Good luck!

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