Killer Workout Series




Bootcamp 2

Terminator 2

Kick, Punch & Crunch 2

PowerMax 2

CircuitMax 2

I absolutely loved the Intensity series and would love a harder series than that. I found BodyBlast too easy (except for KPC and StepBlast). I really enjoy the pre-mixes on the BodyBlast series and hope your next series has them as well. I would also enjoy more weights (along the lines of CTX upper body or Lean Legs).

Thanks for keeping me motivated to work out at home Cathe!
I agree. Though I loved the I-Series, it wasn't as intense as I had expected (of course many of the premixes gave me exactly what I was looking for!) I, for one, think that intervals done on the floor (power scissors, squat thrust climbers, plyo jacks, airborn jumps, tuck jumps) are much more intense than intervals done on the step. That is why I am really pulling for a hi/lo, kickbox, or 15-15-15 type Imax. Man would that rock! I also would love to see a Circuit Max II with just lower body weight work as opposed to compound movements, and a Boot Camp II with more medicine ball use and more of a cardio emphasis. Ooh I can't wait!!!!!!!

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