Kidney stones


I need some advice, My hubby landed in the Emergency room most of the day on Thanksgiving with a kidney stone. They loaded him up on pain meds and sent him home and said it will pass, so far nothing. And he is in pain and drinking TONS of water but the cranberry juice makes him nauseated. Is there a way to make this stone pass more quickly and a way to ease his misery? Has anyone gone through this? My heart is just breaking because I can't really help him more than I am already doing to make him more comfortable.
I am a nurse, the only thing I can tell you is for him to drink a least 3 liters of water a day, I know that is a lot but he needs the extra fluid to pass the stone. He should continue his pain meds as needed also. Does he have a follow up visit with a urologist, just to check and he also should strain his urine to make sure he passes the stone. Hang in there, this is supposed to be one of the most painful things, I also had one so I can sympathize.
how long does it take to pass it? he is straining his urine and all but I am getting so worried because he is so sick:( he is my best friend and I hate to see his so sick. it has now been three days. he was taking coral calcium, you think that caused this?
OH NO!!!!!! I had a kidney stone about 6yrs ago and I thought I was going to DIE! Alot of people say that it is worst the child labor.I have been through both and I don't think there is much differnce.
My stone was only a small one,they said when I passed it I wouldn't even know b/c it was so small.It didn't feel very small.Sure enough,I never did know when I passed it.I was only 19 when that happened to me.I haven't had one since.
I don't really know what to tell you.I drank alot of water and I had alot of medication.I use to sit/lie in a way that would make me feel better.I sat indian style,leaned forward and place my head on a pillow.This was how I slept when I was in the hospital and when I got home.The nurse came into my room and wanted me to lie back b/c I looked uncomfortable but it was the only way I was comfortable.
Your hubby may need to move around a bit,find some postions that are comfortable and hope that it passes soon.I don't expect him to sit the way I sit b/c he is probably not that flexible.
I hope he is feeling better soon.I know to well what he is going threw.Funny...I forgot about child birth but I never forgot about those awful rocks!
Leslie, I've had four, and the last one had to be surgically removed. There is no way to "make" it pass. It either will or it won't. I'm sorry I can't give you better news. If he is still in that much pain, have him go to his doctor or back to the ER. It may have to be taken out. Different hospitals and different urologists have differing opinions on the time issue, but if the stone is stuck for long enough, his kidney function will be affected. If the cranberry juice is making his nauseated, tell him to stop drinking it. There is no medical evidence that cranberry juice helps stones pass. I hope this helps!

Leslie, your hubby should tell his urologist that he is taking calcium. It may have had an effect on accelerating a natural tendancy to form stones. He will probably want him to stop taking it.
Actually ... that's not necessarily true. They're finding evidence that taking calcium does not always cause stones to form. It depends on the type of stones you form. There are several types. They have to analyze them to find out what type it is first, and that will determine what foods should be avoided.

that's true, Carol, but during his workup they will collect a 24 hour urine for calcium and he will need to be off all supplemental calcium for a while in order to properly analyze his calcium metabolism.
If they are small enough to pass then you just have to pass them. They are excruciating judging from the people we take care of. We refer to them as the "Flank painers" with their own special flank pain walk. They show up sweaty, miserable,nauseated or throwing up. They feel like they will die...but they won't. Imagine a stone wedged or trying to move through the urethra. That's why it's awful. There's a protocol...IV fluids, IV morphine and Gravol , Indocid Suppository and a urine strainer when they go home.
Yep. I'm an RN, so I know all about that "fun" stuff - LOL! I've had four, and what's really got my urologist stumped is that all four had different compositions! Basically I'm not supposed to eat anything - LOL! But seriously, some people just get them no matter what they eat or don't eat, and I guess I'm one of them. Lucky me!

Besides calcium, what other types of things cause these? I heard once that caffeine could also cause stones, is that true?

Just curious...
Hi Jo, it depends on the type of stone. For example, uric acid stones can be caused by caffeine, cola, peanuts, spinach, and purines, which are by-products of meat. None of this set in stone, meaning just because you consume these things doesn't mean you'll get a stone. Some people never get them. Others get them even without consuming the "offenders". This is a WebMD link which offers some general advice about the kinds of things that can increase your risk of getting a stone:{5FE84E90-BC77-4056-A91C-9531713CA348}

A lot of evidence out there suggests it's hereditary. One thing I believe all urologists would agree on is that it's a good idea for everyone to drink water. Not the flavored kind, but plain, old-fashioned water. Bottled water (not the carbonated kind) would fall into this category as well. Water keeps the kidneys working, and helps flush out any debris which could stick to the walls of the ureters or the lining of the parenchyma of the kidney itself and start to form a stone. On the never-ending advice of my urologist, I now drink at least 3 quarts of water a day. I still drink caffeine, but not nearly as much as I used to. I also test my urine at home routinely for blood and protein, using those dipsticks. I also have a strainer ... just in case. It's interesting (to me anyway) to note too (and no one has been able to give me a reason why), that all four stones developed in October. The first two were a year apart (the years my father in law and then both grandparents died), then the next one was five years later (LONG story, but suffice it to say it was a VERY stressful time in our lives here!), and the fourth one last October, right in the middle of Atkins and a new job start. So ... do they have a stress component maybe? No one knows ... but I keep watching for studies on this. If anyone knows of any, please let me know!

Hope this helps, Jo! (Didn't mean to go on and on there ... :D )

Thanks! I'll check out the link. I've known a couple of people who've had them but I don't know that they ever knew the cause. It's always seemed to me one of those "weird" things our bodies do to us! Hopefully you're done with your bout of kidney stones - gosh 4 times, how frustrating that must be for you!

But back to you Leslie - I hope your husband is able to recover quickly and doesn't have to suffer too much! I know how awful it is to watch someone you love suffering and in pain and you're helpless to help!

Here's wishing him a speedy recovery!

I m sorry for you to have to watch your husband in so much pain and sorry he has togo through this. You seem to have been through a lot of ups and downs lately too. Hang in there. Thinking of you,


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