Kickboxing Question


Ok, I have a question. I love Cathe's kickboxing workouts. I have made my own mish-mish that I have used since last Nov. Here it is

K, P, C intermediate - high intensity conditioning drills
KM blast challenge
BC cardio only [2x]
K, P, C kicking & punching combos
HSC cardio segments #2, #5, #2, #4

Here is my question. Has anyone tried doing the warm-up and then the blast challenge from KM? I tried it the other day, but didn't really feel like a got a good enough warm-up to head into the drills. When I do my original workout, I always feel I get a better start because I get a better warm-up. Please let me know what you think. I certainly do like the high intensity stuff, I just don't want to injure something. Thanks,

"work work"
Kristen, have you tried doing the warm up from KPC and then the other work out from KM? Just a thought. :)
One of the pre-mixes on KM does that -- the warm-up followed by the drills, then the combos (it's called the BootCamp Challenge). Personally, I like it. I don't feel that it's too much after the warm-up (although I admit that I put more effort into the warm-up when I do it this way). And by doing that first, I get it out of the way (no dread factor) and keep my heart rate up higher during the combos. So overall, I think I get a better workout this way.
I agree. That is why I gave it a shot. Actually, I gave it a huge shot. See, I am into creating my own workouts using cathe. In anticipation of here upcoming DVDs, I created a kickboxing-bootcamp cardio workout. (Different from my original. Here it is.

KM warm-up
KM blast challenge 2x through
HSC cardio #2, #5, #2, #4
BC cardio only 2x through
HSC cardio #2, #5, #2, #4
KM combo #2 combo #4

I haven't actually done this workout as is, but I have done this in a different order. It looks tough, and it is. But that is why I wondering if any one got a good enough warm-up.

** I don't know, this might acutally be a little too high intensity?? I'll have to try it out a couple of times to see.

I know what you mean about jumping straight into the KM blast after a warm up. I don't do that either, instead I created a mish mosh of KM like this (I don't have a multiple disc DVD player so I work with one DVD at a time:

KM warm up
KM combo 1
KM combo 2
KM blasts
KM combo 3
KM combo 4
KM blast (again)

You can then add another workout if you want like BC. Then add on the abs from BC and ME that DVD.

Thanks for the suggestion. The only combos I like from KM are #2 and #4. I find the others too easy. The purpose of this workout is to be HIGH intensity kickboxing/bootcamp style. It is more a "cardio" workout rather than kickboxing workout. I have also created a "cardio kickboxing" workout with K,P,C + S,J,P + Step Blast. My cardio kickboxing is a little less intense, but still challenging. :)

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