KICKBOX....Help me decide!!


Hi! I was wondering if the educated crowd could help me decide on a new kickboxing video. My experience thus far has been CardioKicks which I love, Tae Bo Advanced Get Ripped which the athleticism I liked but the moves were too fast and it hurt my knees, and Kathy Smith's Kickboxing which I thought was mediocre. So far I've narrowed my choices to...

-Franny's KickIt 2000
-Janis Safell's Strike Zone
-Powerstrike Millenium Series 1&2

I'm looking for tough, intense athletic moves with a decent fun factor. Thanks!!


P.S. Has anyone done Charlene Prickett's We Love Step???? If so, what did you think??
Hey Stacy!

I'm waiting on the Millenium PowerStrikes to be delivered! However, based on the 2 older PowerStrikes tapes I have, I would say, they would be your best bang for your buck! The older tapes are KILLER workouts.... and closest to Cathe's type style of drills. I think you would like them.

Need someone to chime in here and let us know what the differences are in the #1 and #2 Millenium ones. (I sure wish mine would arrive!).... I know they are both very similar!!!

Don't have Charlene's We Love Step, so can't help you out there!

I don't have the info with me to give you a detailed description of Millenium 1 and 2, but from what I recall, many of the moves are of a similar type (though the choreography is different). The warm-up and cool-down are basically the same on both workouts. Millenium 1 is a bit shorter. I really don't remember a great intensity difference between the two.
Hi Stacy! Why not try Sherri Jacquelyn's Kickbox Jam. You can buy it at ciavideo. This one's a winner for me. I just love it. But if you didn't want to go w/Sherri then Powerstrike Millennium 1&2 are GREAT!! Happy kicking! Kathy
The only one of those 3 that I have is Janis Saffell's Kickbox Strikezone. I can tell you that after doing Cardio Kicks for a while, you will not feel much intensity with the Strikezone video. Once I started CK, I couldn't seem to do Janis's stuff w/out getting bored. Not to say Strikezone isn't a good video, just too much of a "piece of cake" after Cardio Kicks. ;-) Strikezone is also not one of Janis's most intense workouts.
I don't have the Janis Saffell video, but I do know that Kickit 2000 is fun and athletic. It is one of my favorites. The production quality is terrible, but Franny is always fun. I have Powerstrike Millenium #2, and that is VERY athletic, but I don't find it as "fun" as Franny. The instructors definitely cause you to pay much more attention to form than Franny does, so if that is important to you, you should pick those. Both are definitely worth having!

Sandi M

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