Kick, Punch & Crunch vs. other Cathe kickbox workouts


Hi everyone: I love Kick, Punch and Crunch, and thought that I might order another of Cathe's kickbox workouts. Do any of you have any suggestions? I see that she has a Kickbox workout in the Express Series, and then there's Cardio Kicks. Recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks!


:) :)
RE: Kick, Punch & Crunch vs. other Cathe kickbox workou...

KPC is excellent, and so is the Express Kickbox video. I love them both. Each has a superior abs section. KP&C abs uses a stability ball, while CTX Kickbox abs uses only the floor. CTX Kickbox has a weight section that works biceps.

Cardio Kicks is an hour of pure cardio that really revs you up. It requires a bit more floor space to do it exactly like the screen group, but it can be easily modified to fit a smaller space.

KP&C need no modifications to fit in a small space (my space is rather small, and I don't need to modify this one, but I do mod others). Another advantage of KP&C is that it contains innovative high intensity, low impact moves. After doing the workout a few times, you can really throw yourself into these moves and get a good sweat going.

Hope this helps your ability to choose! I say, get them all. The whole CTX series on DVD is better than just one video. Get it when you get your DVD player!

Aw, just come over and I'll let you work out here - I'm taking this week off!

RE: Kick, Punch & Crunch vs. other Cathe kickbox workou...

Connie - thanks! I took a look at the video clips and think that the CTX Kick Box workout looks more to my liking than Cardio Kicks. Once I started doing Cathe workouts a year ago, I stopped doing Tae Bo. I had forgotten how much I like those moves, and Cathe puts them together in such a fun way. I especially like the kicking and punching combos in the second half of Kick, Punch and Crunch. Fun!! I know that I really should get the DVDs. I have a DVD player but have no idea about the chaptering. Still, my 3 year old just broke my Cardio and Weights video from the Intensity Series, so I'm once again thinking that the DVDs would be a better way to go for more reasons than one. Thanks so much for your advice! Have a good week off!



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