Kick max


Active Member
I am looking for a kickboxing video to add to my routine. I know kick max is advanced, but I saw that there is a low impact kick box on the premixes and was wondering is this would be appropriate for an intermediate.

Hi Beth,

Yes, I think Kick Max low impact boxing on Kick Max is really good for a person who is intermediate level or looking to practice form.

It helps you improve your technique.

Also, the conditioning Leg Drills are great for toning and perfecting your form.

The Challenge is the hardest part, but you could easily grow into it.

I could not complete the challenge at first; I had to ease into it at first because it is killer!

I don't know if you have Cathe's other kickbox videos, but Kick, Punch, and Crunch is good for a person who wants to learn proper form. Cathe thoroughly reviews each arm and leg move.

Kick Punch and Crunch is more advanced than Kick Max, but is a great kickbox workout.

I am not a big Kickbox fan, but I have created a rotation to include more kickbox into my fitness plan.

It does great things for the body!
You can also modify the workout to make the 'blast' portion more low impact, or take the moves to a rebounder (if you have one), which reduces the impact, but keeps most of the intensity (especially if you concentrate on not letting the rebounder 'bounce' you up, but rather on coming to a dead stop when you hit the mat and starting the leaps from there).

You can certainly work up to doing the entire workout by starting with the low-impact premix.

Have you considered KPC? It can more easily be made low impact (just take any runs to knee strikes or high marches, and modify other moves that have both feet off the ground at the same time by keeping one foot on the ground, ie: doing the windmill jacks as side lunges or as jacks without the jump).

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