

So I got swept up in the Black Friday sales and bought a kettlebell set (5-10-15-20), now I just need a good workout to go with them :) Would love some suggestions from those in the know.

So I got swept up in the Black Friday sales and bought a kettlebell set (5-10-15-20), now I just need a good workout to go with them :) Would love some suggestions from those in the know.

Hey congrats on some new fitness toys! Always fun to try something new. I'm not really "in the know" myself as I just started playing with bells this year. However, Lauren Brooks was often recommended to me - she has some DVDs and a streaming service, and a book. Since I'm just experimenting, I purchased some beginner DVDs off A Gin Miller, Paul Katami, Kelly Coffey-Meyer has a few too. There's one from Amy Bento also. I do find it helpful to use those wrist guards, so if they didn't come in your set, you might want to pick up a pair...I got mine off Amazon.
If you use YouTube, there are tons of kettlebell workouts. BodyFit by Amy is one
that I like, she has alot of kettlebell body, upper body, lower body, etc.
I LOVE kettlebells and want to congratulate you on taking the plunge!

It's a wonderful way to expand your movement patterns and energize your exercise routine. But you do need to be careful who you let teach you. There are many popular DVD trainers and YouTubers who make me cringe at the form. My basic philosophy that has served me well has been, If a kettlebell isn't their main thing, don't use them.

Many of the DVDs produced only use the kettlebell as a means to enhance the cardio effect and you shouldn't use kettlebell weight beyond 15# and usually only in the 5# range so please keep that in mind. They are fun for that and a nice break from traditional forms of cardio. But the further knowledge I gained I ran through them pretty quickly and don't recommend them as they're a waste of money IMHO.

I'm still exploring so my recommendations have expanded and changed but here is where I am to date.

To use the kettlebell for strength and good form:
For DVDs only, Steve Cotter and Art of strength.

For book, streaming and DVDs:
I highly recommend Lauren Brooks DVDs, downloadable programs or her streaming that opens in January. She covers everything from form, mobility, strength, cardio with kettlebell.

For books and YouTube:
To really nail the hinge and the swing:
Also The book The swing by Tracy Reifkind and her YouTube

Once you get the basic hinge and swing down (don't rush this!)
Get great complex workouts:
I recommend Marcus Martinez

For excellent mobility and more knowledge of complexes in general:
Mark Wildman

Sorry so long winded but kettlebells are a fun topic for me, lol. Enjoy!!
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