KETTLEBELLIN' on a Tuesday


Good Morning Chickas!!

Workout done and posted! :)
I think I still have work to do on the long clean. I woke up this morning and my biceps were sore. I'm pretty sure that means I was using my arms to much in the clean.

Gayle::: How was day one of ROP????:):)

I hope everyone has a great day!

Deanie, your workout is my workout today. :cool:

Gayle, how was your first ROP day?

I will be back to report my workout later. I'm going to wait until this afternoon so I can feel strong. :p

See you guys later!

Good morning!

Jane - I'm LOL at your mom's take on her chin hairs! :D Great job on the 8-mile run! :cool: How'd "Lucky Seven's" go?

Melissa - I spent a bunch of time yesterday on Lauren Brooks' site watching her clean video and it totally helped on RoP. She is so freakin' adorable! I'm LOL at your DH's motto. :)

Deanie - Nice workout today! :cool: So far I like RoP very much! I feel like I'm starting off kinda easy, but I have a feeling that will quickly change!:eek:

Here's last night's workout:

Buy in:
10x halos 8kg
10x goblet squats 12kg

RoP: Heavy Day - C&P/chin up ladders 12kg
* 3 x (1,2,3) ladders
* rested 1 minute between sets and 2 minutes between ladders
* Lauren Brooks clean cues helped a lot
* discovered that if I wait too long between the clean and the press that the press is way harder. Going quickly from clean to press was much easier...maybe that's the "recoil energy" that Pavel talks about.

Cash out: Snatches for 5 minutes 12kg
* 10r/10l, 5r/5l, rest
* 3 rounds of 5r/5l, rest
* finished with 5r/5l
* these felt pretty good. I have a tendency to pull with my arms on the these. I tried to focus on using the hip snap (a la Deanie's RKC recommendation) and that made them a lot easier.

I have no idea what I'm doing for variety day today.:confused:

Have a good one!
Good Afternoon!

The water's great, jump right in. The pool is open for the season. Yay! I'm going swimming tonight. I was going to do swimming intervals but I think I'll just do laps for about 45 minutes and see how I do.

Gayle ~ Lucky Sevens was brutal. Those thrusters slay me. Hope you have a good workout today no matter what you do.

Hi to Melissa and Deanie!!

Hope everyone has a great day!

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