Kettlebell 101 - a KB virgin's plea for help!


Okay, Fabulous Fems of Fitness (and jloewe), I need your expertise again.

Now that I've got kettlebells and kettlebell workouts winging their way to me as we speak, I figure I'd better learn something about them! :D

My very loose (and maybe incorrect) understanding of kettlebell workouts is that they can be cardio WOs or strength WOs, depending on the moves that are used. Are they sometimes mixed to be a circuit or MRT workout?

These are the workouts I have ordered:
  • Absolute Beginners Kettlebell 80
  • Lauren Brooks Body Sculpt and Conditioning 60
  • AOS Providence 50
  • AOS Newport 50
  • AOS Santa Monica

Can someone tell me if these workouts are cardio, strength, or something else? I have to figure out how to work them into a rotation.

If there is any other information you think an absolute beginner should know, please feel free to just load me up with all the facts you have about KB- I can take it (been working out, dontcha know)!

FORM is everything! The difference between rehabbing or reinjuring yourself, so get on Youtube, Lauren has some excellent form tips.

I am sold on Kettlebell Way - its AOS providence re done...and its sequel,the one in NYC....Beth Chamberlain,a NY actress and KB instructor teaches it with KB guru of AOS, Anthony Deg.....lio(can't spell it!) - I like it with her because she's low key and know what I mean...

Its an AWESOME way of getting your HIIT and strength too.

I have not been SOOO sold on a program in a long time - yes, of course I pre-ordered Cathe's new cardio, so I'm not a turncoat! But I love this workout!
I don't know anything about the Absolute KB one you mention first, but the others I would consider "circuit" as in, both cardio and strength work. When I want to use kbells for cardio I just put on my ipod and do some combination of swings. If you search the internet you can find swing workouts that will keep you busy and non-bored for years to come, I think, and you get to use your own music as a bonus! Enjoy!

  • Lauren Brooks Body Sculpt and Conditioning 60-Cardio
  • AOS Providence 50-Stength
  • AOS Newport 50-Cardio
These are the ones I have. All are kind of circuit-ish, but if you want an emphasis of each, this is what I think. Lauren's is just as hard Newport cardiowise (IMO), but with simpler strength moves.
Santa Monica is a combination of strength and cardio. Love it!!! With kettlebells, most of the workouts can be either or both. The heavier bell you use, the more strength-oriented the workout will be. If you use a lighter bell and do the moves at a quicker pace, it will kick up the cardio.
Thanks, guys, that's really helpful. I'm really looking forward to starting a rotation. Does that mean that I could use Lauren Brooks or Newport on cardio days with my STS rotation?
I have Providence and Newport. I agree with Dallys that Providence is more strength based because it's easier to go heavy with it. But the beauty of these workouts is that you can tweak them to your needs.

I've done Providence with a lighter KB and jumped rope during the rests for a more cardio based effect.

You can't go wrong with the AOS stuff, IMO. Have fun! :)

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