Katrina timeline


Check out the events of Katrina in a timeline here:


Please note that I am in no way attacking anyone here, but I'm sure we would all like to know the facts. The events of the timeline are all documented by the links.

The governor of Louisiana declared a state of emergency on Friday 8/26, Bush declared a federal state of emergency on Saturday 8/27. Fema chief Brown requests task force MONDAY (after the hurricane has hit), giving them TWO days to get to the disaster areas.
It will all come out in the wash, as my grandmother always said. I don't like to place blame either.

My most fervent hope is that when all is revealed (to the extent any of these things are ever fully revealed) it will pave the way for positive changes, of which I think we can all agree are sorely needed.


edited for typos
Interesting site...

I was half expecting to see that Bush was reading "My Pet Goat" to somebody in his 8/29 or 8/30 agendas.
This is so silly! So blatantly biased! I'm chuckling here!

I'm sure I could dig around and find a timeline that favors Bush and places blame on the Democrat local and state government. However, I'm not interested in advancing and agenda so I won't bother.

Why should anybody take this seriously? You'd think the bureacracy ran like a well oiled machine until it reached the federal level. I don't know how an account could get any more intellectually lazy than this.
Have to agree, too. I Googled for other "Katrina timelines" and they are all unfortunately just like this one.
Just Do It! :)
I think what you need to look at are the source of the timelines. Democrats HATE GB and will say or do anything to destroy him. There are plenty of sources for information on who screwed up and how. Actually, most polls indicate that the general public doesn't blame Bush. Most people blame the democrat politicians of NO. That was the result of a poll I saw on the news this morning.

Actually, I'm not trying to push my political bias here. I'm actually trying to look at the facts, and since this timeline seemed to document each event, I thought these were the facts. However, if you are disputing any of the things in this timeline, would you please enlighten me? There is so much spin in this country it is hard to separate out fact from exaggeration.

Well, if you are trying to avoid spin, how about avoiding the hard lefty websites for your information? Lots of people on both sides are going to come up with time lines, which favor their political point of view. As another poster said, the facts will all come out in the wash. I'm sure we will spend millions of dollars of tax money to assign blame where it belongs at all levels, from local on up.

Just as an aside, my husband and I are seriously thinking about how to be prepared in case of a disaster, so that we do not have to rely on either the local, state or federal governments for the immediate protection and well-being of our family. I hope others give this some consideration as well.

The Think Progress web site may be left leaning, but all of the points in its timeline cite their sources, and there are a WIDE variety of sources - Dept of the Governor, Dept. of Defense, White House, AP, Fox News (they ain't left leaning!), Reuters, etc.

Maggie - I wholeheartedly agree with you that we need to take control of our own destiny regarding disaster planning, DH and I had that same conversation, too.

However, this is a prime time to act locally and find out what kind of disaster recovery plan our local governments have in place, and start asking questions about them. That is a place where many of us can make things happen.

I remember a lot of communities doing this when the country was in the midst of the Y2K bug "crisis" - the Cassandra project comes to mind. Since that turned out to be more or less a non-issue, I haven't heard much more about it.
The web site you provided clearly has a political bias.

Where should I start?




And on and on. Yawn.

These are opinions. You provided a link to a left-wing website that offers nothing more than an editorial timeline spun to promote the writers political and bias.

Imparting what you might think (wish) a person's (Bush, et al) motives might be is easy to do but not so easy to get right. I'm sorry but that's not reporting the facts and I just happen to be interested in knowing facts.
Then they don't mention that the infamous Fema memo is actually a follow up memo for MORE people in addition to the ones already deployed.

If anyone saw the Govs live newsconference yesterday, I think it would show where a lot of focus should be. She clearly is not on the same page as the mayor.
>These are opinions. You provided a link to a left-wing
>website that offers nothing more than an editorial timeline
>spun to promote the writers political and bias.


Sorry I offended you.
OK. First of all, I am not offended in any way.

Second of all, I do not rely on a cut and paste of various items as a comprehensive presentation of facts.

Thirdly, I stand by my opinion that the web site linked to is intellectually lazy.

And lastly, I have nothing more to add to this discussion but I would encourage you to apply some critical thinking of your own instead of relying on someone's bias, even if it is in line with your own. No story is one-sided.
Here are a couple more "timelines" so to speak, just to show how much information (or "misinformation", depending on your particular slant) is circulating right now. I think each side can find blame if they look for it hard enough. I also, for the record, think it's counterproductive to do so at this point. There are still bodies to find, people to find homes and jobs for, and nearly an entire city to clean and rebuild. There are immediate issues to attend to.

Four of my coworkers from one office alone (I currently cover five claims offices) are headed for Florida on Saturday as part of the first wave of claims personnel from this area going in to assist. I just read on CNN there are two hurricanes and a tropical storm spinning in the Atlantic off the coast of Florida. My heart right now is with the people who were affected by this tragedy, and with all the people who are trying to help in any way they can - NOT with the blame-casters and naysayers who are quick to point fingers but not so quick to fix the immediate problems that need fixing.

Just so you all know, I'm not posting these links to refute anyone's opinion on here or as an "in your face" kind of thing. I'm merely trying to show how much information is out there right now and how we all need to be discerning when it comes to reading or watching the news stories. The truth will come out eventually. It usually does. I'm very certain all of us here are capable of doing our own critical thinking. We're educated intelligent people, after all.




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