KathyH, I'm all set!


New Member

I visited that site and chose that
option where the expert helps you out.

So, I took his advise, along with yours,
and ordered the follow:

Methoxy-Meal replacements by MHP (shakes).
Micronized Creatine (you and the expert suggested this).
Dymetadrine Xtreme (fat burning tool, not sure if I need
it, cause I'm not at all over weight, but
I want to be thinner).
GL3 (took your advice on switching, I plan on finishing my
the HGH I have now, then I'll move to GL3 for 30 days,
then I'll try that Secretagogue One for 60 and so on).

Well, I'm sure it can't hurt, anyway. Thanks for the
help. Let me know what you think of this plan? The only
problem is I work out 3 times a day 1) 30 min cross training
in the morning (5 -6am), weight lifting (2 hours, 9 - 11am),
finally my Power Max DVD (4pm). So, when they say to take
a dose 30 min before working out, I guess they mean my
middle workout (9 to 11am).

- Glenn
Hi Glenn! WOW am I ever impressed and jealous over your workout schedule! I only get to work out 6 days a week at 8:30 p.m. You on the other hand get to do weight lifting for 2 HOURS! Had you spoken to Stephen Woessner the President? Was he the one that advised you of these products? Also, yesterday I gave you the wrong spelling of my supplement expert. Her name is Heidi Neubauer-Schaff. You can email her about any concerns that you may have. Also, you can mix both the Creatine and the GL3 together into your protein shake. Your going to feel very pumped and energized. Let me know how you make out. Take care, Kathy
Hi Glenn! Its me again. I realized that I didn't advise you as to when to take this stuff. My plan for you would be to drink the protein shake BEFORE you work out 9-11 a.m. Place the Creatine into the shake and then work out. Take the fat burning capsules after your lunch if you want to. Before you go to bed, take the HGH if that's what you're doing now. Hold off on taking the GL3 until your finished with the HGH. Don't quite understand about the 30 min. dose before working out. But this is the way I would do it. If you need me for anything else, just give a holler! Kathy

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