Just wanted to share...


Hi, everyone. I'm new this year to Cathe and this wonderful forum.

I recently got back from a week-long vacation to Jackman, Maine, with my best friend (and WITHOUT our husbands!). We kayaked almost daily and hiked a mountain one day. Getting to the summit was some of the hardest work I've ever done. When I got home, I weighed myself, which I don't often do, and found I'd lost some weight!! I was so excited. There were "hollows" on either side of my abdominal area that I hadn't seen for a long time.

I guess it was the type of vacation and the activity level that did it, but has anyone else had this happen to them, lose weight while on vacation? It sounds like a contradiction in terms, doesn't it? And now I'm so anxious to "guard" the weight loss I added an extra riser to my Cathe workouts since I've been back!!!

Susan G
Good for you Susan! On the abs and the great weekend! Sounds like tons of fun!
I just got back from the ocean Friday night and I weighed myself Sunday and lost 2 lbs! I thought for sure I was going to gain. But I worked out every day and didn't go overboard with my eating and was I pleasantly suprised!

Oh God. I double clicked. Sorry.

Good for you Susan! On the abs and the great weekend! Sounds like tons of fun!
I just got back from the ocean Friday night and I weighed myself Sunday and lost 2 lbs! I thought for sure I was going to gain. But I worked out every day and didn't go overboard with my eating and was I pleasantly suprised!

Hi this is my first post. I'm in Jackman Maine right now with my family visting my in-laws. Have you been here before? What mountains did you climb? Sally, Burnt Jacket? I should get out there and do that. Glad you enjoyed yourself, Its beautiful up here today.

Hi Susan, your vacation sounds great! Good for you for losing some pounds. I always lose some weight when I go to the Keys. I get in a mode where I am eating healthy--seafood, fruit, etc. I am really active while there too--swimming, snorkeling, walking a lot.

Other vacations--forget it. :)

That looks like a wonderful vacation you had. Whenever I go home and hang out at the beaches for most of my trip, I am leaner. I think it's all that swimming and running on the beach that does it. Also all that fresh seafood, which I eat usually grilled. Lean protein and a good amount of activity really does it. Congratulations on the weight loss.:)

Maureen, that's so interesting that you're there in Jackman now! I had never been to Maine before; my friend goes every year with her parents. It was Mt. Kineo we hiked; it's not a far drive. You take a pontoon boat from Rockwood at the public launch ($10 round trip); you pick which trails you want. Most of the time Moosehead Lake is in view if you take Carriage Trail, then you head east before the trail rises sharply with roots and rocks. I was grateful for my aerobic fitness! A storm was brewing when we were there; I have a terror of lightning! Some people were taking their kids up a metal observation tower, which I thought was foolhardy. Luckily the thunder and lightning didn't continue, but still we ended up in a heavy shower.

We stayed in a cabin at Big Woods Lake across from Sally Mountain. I loved it, the weather was great, and I'm hoping to go back next year.

How long have you been doing Cathe workouts? Welcome to the Forum!
Susan G
Hi Susan, I don't know if you'll check back here. I didn't get back on my in-laws computer till now. Sally mpuntain is right across the lake from where I am. And the cabins are right at the end of the street. That's funny. I don't know many people except my DH family that have heard of Jackman. I've been doing Cathe about 6 months. Been a Firm user for years since Vol 1.


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