Just to Comment on the Weather

ohhh, kasissa, you're just an amateur when it comes to the cold weather. Here in Minneapolis.....it's been in the negatives! In fact, I have to go all the way to Scandinavia on Wednesday to escape the cold! hahahahahahaah
>ohhh, kasissa, you're just an amateur when it comes to the
>cold weather. Here in Minneapolis.....it's been in the
>negatives! In fact, I have to go all the way to Scandinavia on
>Wednesday to escape the cold! hahahahahahaah

i lived in upstate NY for some time where i think we had to summer school it b/c of all the snow days. i moved south to rid of that but it seems it followed me down LOL. at least there is no snow. not a person who cares for weather below 50.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

Like LadyUnix, I live in the Twin Shi- oops, Twin Cities area, and we're at a balmy 2 BELOW as I write this, and we'll be lucky if we get to 10 above today. It was worse over the weekend. BUT - one thing about nosebleed cold temps is that it gives you a renewed appreciation for 28.

Bundle up, wherever you are! This too shall pass (like a kidney stone).

I had to shovel 6 inches of snow fallen overnight and it's still coming down hard in 12 degrees. All the school's have cancelled here. I will take your weather anyday. Sorry sick of shoveling and needed to unload.

BTW, I live in lower pennisula western Michigan.
I'm in Iowa. 28 degrees is nothing. It's a balmy -2 degrees here! Plus it snowed last night with lots of wind so now I have snowdrifts in my backyard.

It's so freaking cold here that I have to push my doggies outside in the morning.
You guys have nothing to complain about. I live in the Great White North (Northern Ontario) and the last few days it's been -20's and with the wind chill factor feels like -30.

That's celsius BTW!;-)

But when you're pulling a toddler around on a tobaggon you don't even feel it:7
Weather like this always reminds of the movie Grumpy Old Men and the opening scene with tons of snow on the ground, everyone is bundled up and the music being played is "We're having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave, mercury's rising, it isn't surprising..." Walter Matthau then starts singing it himself as he scrapes off his windshield. Wasn't that movie based in Minnesota?

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.

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