Just started Nursing School, any advice


I just started nursing school and I was wondering if they are any nurses out there that have any advice for surviving the next two years. I can use all the help I can get.
I just want to wish you good luck with nursing school. It is a great profession to be in. Just study hard and I found having a group that got together and studied together helped a great deal. I am sure you will do fine. If you can continue to exercise because I feel that it is a great stress reliever.
Thanks so much!! Thats another thing that I am kind of stressing about, since I started school I havent had very much time to work out. Working out is my stress reliever so, I am going to have to figure something out to fit it in.
I have just decided to go to nursing school. I have to get a few prerequisites, I start those tomorrow. I'm taking Anatomy and Physiology and Nutrition. I will start the nursing school program next fall. I would love to hear how it's going for you along the way. Are you doing an LPN program or RN? Will you be working while your in school? I'm not exactly sure how I will work the whole full time schooling while needing money versus needing time for studying thing. I am very excited! I have been in a place of not knowing what I want to do with the rest of my life and it feels great to have figured it out.
Good luck!
take it one day at a time. don't butt heads with your instructors. ask questions if you do not understand something. nursing is a calling not just a job.
Take it one day at a time. Get a calendar and schedule your homework, classes, work, workout... It made it easier to go through school for me. I became ultra anal, but it eased up once I got my job.
Hard to believe it's been 20 years since I graduated from nursing school (and 30 since high school!! YIKES!!), but the best advice I can give you is to keep up with everything, do all the work, and get the most out of clinicals that you can since you'll learn the most on the job. School certainly prepares you for the fundamentals of nursing, but applying that knowledge is the real test. You test that on real patients, once you're actually out there doing it. Doing internships is great experience!! I did that in the summers and it was invaluable. Not only do you get real life experience you don't have time for in clinicals, but you get to know people in various health care settings. You also find out what types of nursing you like and don't like. Best of luck to you!!

Hey Heather,
I am taking the RN program and will be graduating with my Bachlors degree. I am working 2-4 days a week at a golf course and 1-2 days a week for a window cleaning company my friends dad owns. So far I am doing ok as far as working while Im in school but its only been two weeks. I am just trying to stay on top of everything and making sure that I never get behind. If you dont have time to stay caught up, you'll never have time to catch up!! Ill let you know how it goes, and let me know if you have any questions. I did good in both of those classes.
Nicole :D

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