Just saying hello


Well, here I am entering my 7th week and still no morning sickness thank goodness (knock on wood too!). I do feel a little queasy at times but not so much that I vomit. The smell of coffee this morning kind of didn't set well which really upsets me because I LOVE my morning coffee (decaf now of course!). I also am finding that I don't have much of an appetite which is sooooo strange for me. I am usually planning my next meal/snack during one that I am eating at that time! Ahealthyme.com says I should be eating around 2500 cals/day with my exercise level and there is no way I can do that right now--I am just not hungry. Am I going to harm the baby? My boobs are still killing me but my belly looks flat still. I sometimes wonder if I am pregnant because I feel pretty good so far though still a little crampy. I have an "Early Pregnancy" class to go to this week that my healthcare provider recommends so that should help learn more about what is going on inside my belly. I have been reading the descriptions of the various weeks of pregnancy on Storknet.com and it says that at this point my fetus is about the size of a grain of rice. My husband and I refer to it as "Uncle Ben" right now. I am still dying to tell people but will try to wait a little longer. I spent the whole evening with my in-laws last night and wanted SO MUCH to blurt out the news but managed to hold back. Thanks for listening--you all are the only ones that know so far besides my husband!
Hi Beets,
I'm also 7 weeks along, just going into my 8th week.
I know what you mean about the sore boob thing! My boobs are so sore, I wake up every time turn over in the night!! With regard to your lack of appetite, I wouldn't worry unduly at this point.
I'm just getting over a viral sickness and diorrhea bug which lasted for more than a week. I wasn't able to keep anything down other than water and apples for the whole week (and even that sometimes came back up!). Obviously I became very concerned that I wasn't taking any nutrients in, and that the baby would "starve" also. However, my GP assured me that babies are very resilient (even at this early stage) and that they literally "suck" all the goodness from you/your reserves. I am now pretty much recovered and neither baby nor I seem to have any ill-effects, but like you, my appetite is still pretty non-existent. I think the key is to eat little and often - keep snacking on healthy foods throughout the day and I'm sure you will be taking in enough nutrients for you and your baby. Personally, I wouldn't worry too much about counting calories at this stage, as this may place undue stress on you, particularly if you feel you are not achieving the "magic" number you have been quoted by the website. Every woman is different, and never more so than when she is pregnant, so I would just advise you to listen to your own instincts which will never serve you falsely.
Take care,

Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
Hey Beets! I love your nickname for your baby!! I'm 27 weeks with my first and we call it "mister-sister" 'cause we're not finding out the sex.

I would suggest to try and enjoy the little secret you and your husband share right now. I too wanted to tell everyone and when I finally did it was a mixed blessing. I felt so proud but I had to weed out all the unsolicited advice. It's kinda like when you tell people you're engaged and they all come out with "don't spend your money on this" "don't have a reception" here, etc...It's so wonderful to share but I got through the "pain" of witholding by calling my husband and a couple friends that knew. We'd go to meet people for dinner and before we got there we'd joke about how funny the conversation seemed to us because we knew we were pregnant and they didn't. I also had fun "lying" about why I couldn't do certain stuff, i.e. drink.

My favorite was "I went out with all my friends who do have kids last night and you know what happens when cooped up moms have a chance for a night out". I think that made me appear "hung over" for about 10 weeks!!

Keep us posted!! jeni

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