Just Had To Share


I have been trying to decide on a couple videos to buy other than Cathe videos. I own most of them except a few older ones. I always pre-order them to save money and because I know I will just have to have them. I don't own any other instructors videos. So this hasn't been easy.
Been working on deciding for the past 2 weeks. I have been reading past posts on the Cathe forums about other videos and instructors, reading reviews on collage video, and watching the clips of the workouts.
So today I finally ordered. I bought Amy Bento's Adavanced Step Challenge 2 and Kelly Coffey-Meyer's Cardio Kick Step-Boxing. I didn't want any weight workouts. I am saving my money to pre-order Cathe's new 10 DVD STS Weight workouts.
I am so excited! Hope I don't regret trying different instructors. I just wanted to share with those of you who could understand what I am going through. My friends here don't work out and just give me the "deer in the headlights look" when I told them that I ordered 2 new video workouts for my Christmas present.
I know they won't get here before Christmas, but I will have something fun to look forward to a few days after Christmas.
Thanks for listening and Have Your Best Christmas Ever!
God bless,
I don't know about the Kelley Coffey-Meyer one, but Amy Bento's Advanced Step challenge 2 is a lot of fun. It took me a total of about 5 hours (spread over several workouts) to learn the whole thing, but so worth it. I think she is really good. I will definitely order more of her stuff.

Have fun and Merry Christmas
Hi Heather,

How exciting and fun to have new workouts to look forward to! I have Amy's first ASC DVD and Kelly's CKSB, and they're both a lot of fun! It took me awhile to figure out Amy's step routine, but I found Kelly's to be much easier.

Have fun, and good for you that you're working out despite the fact that your friends don't! I imagine you're in better shape and much healthier than they are! :)

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