Just got my freestyle book...


I just got the freestyle book, used at amazon for $10. I love it! I wasn't sure I would, because I went to the site and was a little turned off. It seemed like it was more geared to the weight lifting competetor's. I was completely wrong, it's great. Thanks for the tip from all of you freestyler's. Love it, love it, love it!!!
You got the book for $10 that everyone is talking about here? I forgot the name already. I thought it was $30 something? I'll have to check that out.

Thanks, Dallas
I have seen a freestyle book mentioned several times but I don't think I've ever seen the name. Could you please post the name of the book and the author. Thanks:) ;)

Hi Heather. I want to know if you get unbelievable DOMS after your first freestyle workout. I got and read my book last week and started it yesterday. And forget the weights! Just the day 1 moves turned my legs to jelly. But I did it again today. I need music suggestions though. I've been plugging in my favorite Cathe workouts to get the music (don't have stereo, CD player, IPOD, etc. in the workout space). So let us know when you do that first freestyle workout!

The name of the book that I purchased is Freestyle Methods. I really like the training methods he suggests.
Hi tsut,

I did a google search on Freestlye Methods but it didn't bring up anything about weight training. Neither did a search in Amazon by that title. May I ask where you found this book and who wrote it? Thank you so much.

Hi Michelle,

Here is the website I ordered the book from: http://www.gsnyderproductions.com/freestyle.htm

Looks like his website still has the book up named Freestyle Fitness. My book looks exactly the same only it is named Freestyle Methods. I think he updated some pictures, etc ... in the one I have.

It's a great book. Hopefully you can find one on Amazon that is cheaper. I ordered mine from the website, but it did ship quickly so I'm not complaining. :)
I got the older version, I just couldn't spend $30 on this book site unseen. But, it took a bit of waiting till it came up on amazon. I'd love to hear from anyone else who has seen both books if there is much difference in the newer one. Either way I'm saving my pennies for some more Cathe!LOL
The book I purchased is Freestyle Training, by George Snyder and Laura Dayton. I couldn't find Freestyle Methods used. I guess that's the new one?
My freestyle book is called... Freestyle Training for women....
authors, Laura dayton, George Snyder.

>The book I purchased is Freestyle Training, by George Snyder
>and Laura Dayton. I couldn't find Freestyle Methods used. I
>guess that's the new one?

I have the Freestyle Fitness book from Georges site posted above. Like the poster said Freestyle Methods is basically the same book but with updated pictures. I honestly don't think it makes a difference what book you get the concept is still the same!...:)...Carole
I emailed George Snyder and asked how to purchase Freestyle Methods (referring to the new addition). He replied and said it's on his website. He just hasn't gotten around to change the name of the order form. On his website the book it $35 plus $5 shipping.

I don't know guys, is it worth it?
Susan C.M.
It is worth it IMO. It has different programs for people that want to lose 5, 10, 15, etc ... pounds. It is full of good information.
I can't compare the new version to the old version. However, as Carole said nothing has changed about the basic principles of freestyle. I just didn't have the extra money, so I bought the older one, and it's great. I figure in 6 to 9 months the new one will hit the used book market and I'll buy it then. For now the version that came out in '95 is just fine.

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