Just got MIC! (Again)


Active Member
Too bad I can't use it either...I'm recovering from walking pneumonia...
I had practically all of Cathe's tapes before, but I started teaching and soonafter, I traded them for Firm Upper Body Split and Lower Body Split. (UBS-wasn't too keen on it, and haven't used LBS at all yet) So I traded some other Firms for MIC which I'm so excited to do, once I'm out of this sickness stage.
My question is...how does this video differ from Interval Max? I forgot...

First...Hi Myra and sorry to hear of the walking pneumonia..that's no fun with warm weather on the way! Hope it clears out soon for you

MIC starts with a 7 minute warmup on the floor and goes into a killer old fashioned hi/lo for about 27 minutes. When I first started using it...this section kicked my butt and the calves really had to work up to it. After that, you move into one of my favorite step routines
...30 minutes of fun, fun, fun. It does have a section at the end of the step that Cathe calls an interval blast...just incase you haven't worked hard enough..you know Cathe
. This is my favorite part of MIC...love the music for it and the moves...basically jumps and double jumps onto the step with both feet...there is a tad more choreography with recovery grapevines...but that is the part that stands out. It ends with a 3 minute cool down and 4 stretch...total workout time 71 minutes.

Both IMAX and MIC are my toughest cardio tapes. For me, MIC is just as great an endurance trainer. Although the hi/lo is grouped at the beginning instead of mixed throughout like IMAX...I still can get drained and really have to pace myself to do the step section after the killer hi/lo...much different for me than an all step tape of the same amount of time.

It is also great tape to break up for short workouts or combos!

Have fun with it Myra...wishing you well,
I think MIC is harder

only because there's no "recovery" per se unless you give yourself one. Even breaking briefly between Hi impact floor work and the step section, I have not made it thru the entire step section without stopping for 2 small rests. I consider MIC my "top of the anaerobic fitness mountain pinnacle"--the day I get thru it without stopping, I will consider myself promoted to a new level.

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