Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone! My husband and I are so excited to share that we will be having another baby :-jumpy! I had my doctors visit to confirm this on Monday and I am 5 weeks along with and estimated due date of April 24th. We are looking forward to having a happy and healthy baby brother or sister for our little Eric (20 months old)to grow up with. Thanks for letting us share our joy with you :)!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-01 AT 02:09PM (Est)[/font][p]What great news!!
Hope you have a wonderful, healthy, happy pregnancy!!
Congratulations to you, Jon, Eric and your families!!

My goodness, not wasting any time, huh? That is just wonderful. I'm sure Eric will love to have a baby brother or sister. It is so fun watching siblings play together. Congratulations on your anticipated new addition to the family!!!!! :)

Oh happy day!

Thanks for sharing your joyful news with us. Sending wishes for lots of rest, good food, a healthy pregnancy and a happy growing family.


Wow!!! Congratulations to you, Jon, & little Eric!! It will be nice for Eric to have a little brother or sister so close to his age to play with & in general relate to--I am hoping for a little girl only because you already have Eric (a boy.) I know you must be so happy! Thanks for sharing with us!!

Wow Cathe! We're pretty close....

in our due dates--I'm due March 25 (my first)!

Congratulations--that is so exciting! This itme around should be a piece of cake, huh, since you're an "old hand" at this now!! ;)

Take care!
That explains it

I had noticed you seemed to be commenting a little more on this forum lately!!!! Congrats Cathe! You are such an inspiration!


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-01 AT 02:55PM (Est)[/font][p]What great news, Cathe! Two are twice the joy of one (hard to believe, I know--one is so fantastic) and definitely not CLOSE to twice the work! :) You'll enjoy seeing Eric and the baby interact--it gives a new meaning to the word "entertainment!" Congratulations to you and Jon and Eric! :) :)

I can't believe you have the energy all ready to do it again...oh wait, this is Cathe we're talking about :)

Andrea (kinda bummed though cause I won't be able to take advantage of the preg vids I have a feeling you will be doing :-()

That is absolutely fabulous Cathe! Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you and your family. I was thrilled to see your post and look forward to sharing your journey!!! I hope you'll post often with updates!

You are all so kind. I very much appreciate the well wishes and chuckled at many of the cute comments. You are all very special to me!

Congratulations Cathe!!!
What great news!! I will be looking forward to hearing all of the details of your pregnancy as it unfolds!! I am hoping for a smooth and easy 9 months for you.. (and NO morning sickness!)
Best wishes,
Stupendous news......

Thanks for sharing with us. I'm so happy for you and your hubby (and your little chalupa).

Jackie D.
RE: Stupendous news......

How sweet of you to remember that Jackie. Yes, it will be interesting to see how our little chalupa handles all of the attention he will now have to share. Of course, we will be there every step of the way to reassure him that he is equally as special to us.
RE: Stupendous news......

I'll chime in with congratulations! What wonderful news!!

Congratulations :-jumpy :-jumpy!

Thank you for sharing with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so happy for you!! So Erik will be 28 mos old when the baby comes? A good age!!!


Well I'll just post here too :eek:

I think it's just so wonderful that you're expecting again Cathe. I must have said something out loud when I read your post because my 2 1/2 year old daughter kept saying "Caffeeee, awww Caffeeee" She's really into this whole baby thing. We watch A Baby Story everyday on TLC and now she tells me to push all the time.

Yea for little Eric too. He's going to be a big brother :-jumpy. Gosh, seems like you just had him too. My how time flies.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful news.

Congratulations Cathe, Jon, and Eric

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and.......

Littlest one due on February 24, 2002

What great news Cathe! My boys are two years apart, and I really liked that age spread. They have grown up to be the best of friends. You have a lot of wonderful times ahead of you. My best to your family!
Congratulations Cathe, Jon and Eric !!! What fantastically happy news. Cathe, are you planning to give us updates like you did with Eric ??(I'm 25 weeks along with my first and I still go back and read your updates about Eric..love them :) ). Here's to a healthy and happy pregnancy :).Rachel

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