Just found out I'm pregnant w/#2!!!!


Good morning ladies!! I've posted here sporadically in the last tear since I had my daughter, Olivia, but I had to come on-line to say that I am pregnant with #2! I'm real early - like in the gestational period of the first two weeks! No symptoms yet - just a lot of happiness and a little trepidation about having two!!! Olivia is 14 1/2 months so they'll be two years apart.

I plan on working out the whole pregnancy as I did last time and hope I feel as great as I did. I personal train and teach fitness class for part-time work whereas last time I worked a 40 hour a week job plus teaching. My pregnancy "confirmation" appointment is next week!

Chat with you all soon!

Congratulations Jeni!!! I'm so happy for you!!!


So nice to hear you are expecting again.

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/lach.gif[/img]
Congratulations! If you saw my other post, I'm already thinking about #2 and I have a 3 month old. Anyway, good luck teaching classes, I hope you feel as great as the previous prenancy!
Hey Jeni,

congratulations!!!!! Way to go! I think that this time however I will be cheering from the stands this time (2 is it for me!).

BTW- Have you enjoyed Bodystep? (I taught until just after 35 weeks!)

Liz N
Hi jeni-
congratulations on #2. By the way, I love the name Olivia. Keep us posted.

take care,
Love it!

Hey LizN! SO good to hear from you! I LLLLOOOOVVVEEEE Bodystep! I trained on 52 and have since learned 49. I ordered 50 as you and several others said it was great but my boss ordered 49 so I had to learn that one first but I like all the music on 50 better. How did you modify to teach until 35 weeks? Specifically tracks 5&6 which are ATT? I plan to switch to all the low impact options as much as possible.

I actually think I'm further along than I thought because my nauseau and morning sickness began yesterdayx( !!!

RE: Love it!

Hey Jeni,

This is going to sound extremely weird (but I was very lucky). I didn't really have to modify my ATT moves much at all. What bothered me the most was the "shuffling" on the floor. I couldn't believe that I could still jump OTT at 35 weeks and actually participated in a class at 38 weeks without any problems. The speed step component - decided to drop that at about 35 weeks - it felt like too much. We've just got Step 54 and I'm learning it right now. I really like this release. I also love 49, especially tracks 4,5,and 6.

Good luck..I'm sure you will be great!

Liz :)
Hi Jeni,

Congratulations on your pregnancy! It's fun for me to come back to this forum and see familiar names having more babies!

All the best!

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