Just did SB--What a BLAST! Love KPC, too.


I just got my new Cathe's last Monday.

Today was StepBlast. It took me forever to get through it because most of the moves in this one are new to me, but I absolutely had a BLAST! I can't wait to try it again when I don't have to stop so much and I can put more into it. Nevertheless, I was plenty soaked when I got done. I prefer the music in the Intensity Series, but this was great, too.

I really loved KPC, except that I prefer Cathe not trying to be so serious. I was glad she let a laugh escape now and then--especially since Cede isn't there to make me smile. The greatest thing was not having Billy Blanks in my face the whole time (I DON'T want to count with you, thank you very much)! I certainly wasn't able to give it my all because it was new, but I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't quite as hard as I was geared up for. I'll have to see when I get it all down, but I might want to try weighted gloves. Does anyone have suggestions on what kind and where to get them.


Carol F
I love Step Blast and KPC! They are soooo much fun! I don't use weighted gloves but I know there are others who do so maybe they'll chime in.

These are 2 of my favorites as well! I just purchased weighted gloves about a month ago and boy do they work! I've really noticed a change in my arms just by incorporating them into my routine. I bought mine through a store we have here in Wisconsin called Fleet Farm! They had them on sale in their sporting goods section for 5 bucks and I just love them! Hope this helps-Susan
Thanks for the responses on weighted gloves--and the link. How much weight do each of you use?


Carol F
I use 1 lb gloves. That's more than enough resistance for punching IMO. I really do get a better arm workout when I use the gloves.

I can't believe that I haven't used this workout hardly at all! I tried it when I got it and enjoyed it but didn't get all the choreography right away. So, I tended to grab my workouts I knew to get a really good workout. I row so when rowing season got here, I did that for MOST of my cardio. I just did it again this week and had so much fun. Not nearly as complicated to get as I remember. I actually put it in without preview and got almost everything. (minus the fast foot repeater which I subbed a reg. repeater) I did it 2 days in a row and had lots of fun. This is definitely going into my cardio rotation! :D
Step Blast is my favorite cardio workout !!! I love it - did it this morning. I'm in a low-intensity rotation and tried it without the step. Even so, it still kept my heart rate up with all the kicks and hops.

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