just can't stick with S&H


Active Member
Hello, I just can't seem to stick with the S&H series. I'll do it for a week (maybe two) and then the next week comes and I don't feel like doing it any more. I'll just start a new rotation with another strength tape. I know I'm probably hindering my progress, but I just can't seem to do it! Any suggestions. :-hmmm
Maybe do a rotation that alternates S&H and another strength tape or series every other week. Like:

Week 1 S&H
Week 2 PS
Week 3 S&H
Week 4 MIS


Sometimes I think people take this rotation business a little too seriously. Just continue to work hard and progressively, and YOU figure out where the tapes and series' fit into your program!

No wonder you can't stick with it.

It is BORING to the MAX! All that time wasted between sets makes me crazy!

It doesn't even leave me one bit challenged or sore.

It gets a A+ for snore factor -- I find it unbearable to do.

Kind of like some of these Lemmings here find my posts.

I would rate it the worst Cathe video ever.
Opinions are always welcome and everyone is entitled to give them. However, referring to other forum members as "Lemmings" seems a bit insulting. Or perhaps I misread.
Wow, I don't know what it is with Year 2002 but I've been dealing with alot of rude people lately....geez....Didn't 9/11 teach us anything?

Anyway, different strokes for different folks...because for me, S&H is Cathe's BEST weight video ever....

"Take it or leave it, right?"...



Amy, what do you mean by that?

I love S/H, others don't. That's what choice is all about. I imagine that's why Cathe created PS, MIS, S/H and PH... so we have choices.

Yeah, I think lemmings are cute too, but I don't like the implication.


Sorry Colette! I just had to laugh when I read your post. The funny thing is, is that NOBODY knows!!! Sorry, I guess I needed a laugh after all this "lemmings" stuff! :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Ha!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-02 AT 10:53PM (Est)[/font][p]Apparently, "lemming" is Amy's word of the day. I wonder what tomorrow's word will be...can't wait!

Amy, what do you expect, this IS Cathe's web site. Do you think that a bunch of people that hate Cathe are going to migrate here?
HELLLLLLLLOOOOOO! I can see that you haven't taken any of your rude and offending comments to the "Ask Cathe" forum, yet there's quite a few inquiries concerning the S&H workout. Cowardice, plain and simple.

>No wonder you can't stick with
>It is BORING to the MAX!
>All that time wasted between
>sets makes me crazy!
>It doesn't even leave me one
>bit challenged or sore.
>It gets a A+ for snore
>factor -- I find it
>unbearable to do.
>Kind of like some of these
>Lemmings here find my posts.
>I would rate it the worst
>Cathe video ever.

I hope you were either under-caffeinated or over-caffeinated when you posted.

Slow & Heavy may not be your cup of java, but your post insults those of us that appreciate it. It does take mental focus. I don't think it's a series to choose if there's a lot of chaos in ones' life as it would be easy to drift away during the long breaks. But Cathe is quite open about using this series in very short intervals and the mental discipline it requires.

As for physical challenge, that comes from choosing an appropriate weight. Lactic acid and DMS are not a measure of effectiveness.

BTW, this type of training is hot in So Cal (not exactly a backwater in fitness trends). Obviously different strokes for different folks. I'm not saying your opinions are invalid, but please don't insult those that don't share your opinion.

Can't imagine why furry rodents are following you. Are you suggesting that packs of humans are willing to follow you off of a cliff?
RE: Ha!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-02 AT 11:06PM (Est)[/font][p]I will not resort to personal insults to you because you are not worth the waste of energy.

But to set things straight:

I do not hate Cathe, but I am not going to sugar coat all my messages -- this is an open forum and I am sure she wants honest feedback from her fans. I just do not like Slow and Heavy series. That's my right.

I am not a coward -- as evidenced by my posts. I am afraid of nothing -- you do realize Cathe could easily block me from these discussions.

I have met Cathe on numerous occasions and respect and like her tremendously. I just don't like all her videos. As a human being and as an instructor I just love her to death!

Conversely, I think Anna Benson is cracked as a person and preaches dogmatically to Firm Believers. But I still like the Firm's videos and their instructors -- Susan Harris is my all time favorite. And yes, I've met Anna too.

Got it, now Cyberfit? If not, back off. The more limelight you permit me, the more I'll be BAAAAACKKKK.

Indeed, you have no control over my rights to post here as I wish.
RE: Amy!

I don't need a lesson in exercise physiology as my master's thesis was on the subject.

And piffle on what is HOT in Southern California! Like who cares, Mon?

I am quite well traveled and do not need your telling me what works and does not for ME. I gave Slow and Heavy my all for several weeks and it did nothing but waste my precious workout time.

Every body is different -- and mine does not get any benefit from Slow and Heavy or from Pure Strength. If those work for you, great, but I have a right to post what I think here.

Some of you are so darned Catty if anybody disagrees with you!
Hi Colette

Obviously this series does not appeal to everyone. But I find it effective and enjoyable when used in short rotations as Cathe recommends. Three weeks works for me because I need one shot to adapt to the tempo & determine which weights to use. In the intro, Cathe mentions using it for as little as 1 time to shock your body.

As I responded to Amy, I don't think this is a workout to use if your life is chaotic. The long breaks do take mental focus as do the slow movements.

A workout has to hit you mentally & physically. If it doesn't work for you at any level, move on to something that does. But try & determine if it's a good workout at the wrong time, or just one that doesn't work for you at any time!

a little civilty please

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-02 AT 11:37PM (Est)[/font][p]I didn't give a lesson is physiology.


I didn't suggest you were not well traveled or attempt to tell you what mode of exercise would be effective or motivate you.

Of course you have a right to post your thoughts but you don't need to insult those that disagree.

I honestly agree that every workout will not work for every body. Please allow others to share what works for them.

I think my appreciation of Slow & Heavy makes me dogged not catty.
RE: this is what I see

I tried hard to stay out of this post but here I am. Hopefully what I say here will not be throwing gasoline into the fire.

I do believe that everyone has a right to their opinion and rightly so. However, I have noticed alot of downright mean and rude comments. This is not the only post that is turning ugly here. While we all have the right to express ourselves, I do not believe that it needs to be done in an insulting and mean nature. No one can force anyone else to see things quite the way they do.

We are presumably mature adults here. My suggestion on this post and the other "hot" one is to simply end them here and now and put any others to a stop by just not adding any more responses.

Enough said.

Lemmings are kind of like minks or otters. They're famous for following each other without hesitation or thought of danger and jumping off cliffs en mass to their deaths. Animal experts have studied them but (as far as I know) haven't come up with a reason for this behavior - where's Crocodile Hunter when you need him? Anyway, I think the reference to lemmings is that we forum members follow each other blindly without minds of our own - hence the insult.

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