June 10 Check in Weekend 26th/27th*******


Good morning ladies...

Hope everyone is well on this Saturday...Today is Leaner Legs for me and the last workout on the June rotation. I have to say I really enjoyed this month's workouts. I will be resting tomorrow and then Monday and Tuesday I will probably just pick a cardio and then a cardio/weight. Wednesday we head out to Florida and I wont get too much done there. Probably walking and the pool....They don't workout like I do with Cathe. So, I will just pretty much rest..Which is good too!!

Busy weekend for us..I gotta get to Costco and get some things for Sunday which is our end of the season baseball party at the pool...Tonight Lauren is going to a girls night out with her friends and Vic is taking Chris to a baseball game (local minors team) I get a night to myself. YEAH!!!

Ok, time for breakfast and to get this day started....Talk to you later...

Hey Kathy!

Hey everyone!

Not such a great morning. Still having pressure/pain in my sinus/head. Plus lightheadedness/fog. I thought about working out, but I think maybe not. We just got done with papers and I ate 800mg of Advil and now peanut butter mixed with cool whip. Nice diet, huh?

Jake has a birthday party at 1:30-3:15, so I'm playing taxi. And then Zach is being dropped off to the movies later by his dad, to have his "group date" . The only good thing about this weekend is Greg is off Saturday and Sunday, no sitter.

Kathy: WOW! June rotation is over? It was a great mixture of a lot of oldies, huh? Did you end up with a decent weight loss with your extra walking/running?... It must be rare that you get any time alone, so enjoy it!!! Although , whenever I find myself alone, it seems almost TOO quiet! and things stay in their place and things aren't all messy! It's crazy!

: I hope the person that left on the gas yesterday gets "spoken to"!!! that's so bad! So inquiring minds want to know, what are your workouts today!??!?!?! .... Well, maybe we're not "Period buddies", but we meet up every now and then! lol. Mine last 3 or 4 days, and only consist of fatigue , mild occasional cramps, and ... sometimes.. headaches. Blah. The Pill has helped tremendously with all my TOM symptoms!

Maybe I will go do a quick cardio!?!?! I kind of feel like it right now, after the PB, Advil and Cool whip concoction!

*waves* To BETH and JOANNE, Joanne I hope you're party is stressfree and you're partaking in lots of "adult beverages" if it's not!!!
Good morning, and yes, happy weekend! Sorry, Chris!! Yea for time to yourself, Kathy -- enjoy! And, a rest week is good!

Ok, you guys.... I think you should count yourselves as more active than you are! You are doing hard workouts pretty much every day! Oh, and Hottie, about the messed up metabolism..... they talk about that fairly often, too, saying that so many people have in fact messed up their metabolism from eating too few calories. I haven't heard it answered directly, but what they seem to imply is that if you stick to what your maintenance calorie (for goal weight) is, and if you add in weight lifting (you got that covered!), then it'll get better. I really think we were all brainwashed into trying to eat too little. And, the best thing this has done for me is get me sort of "level" and not wacky about eating. I know.... it's only been over a week.... I'll talk to you in a month or so. :)

I had a fun workout this morning..... there's a website called livefitrevolution that films live kettlebell classes..... actually, it's some special program where this instructor is getting them to lose a lot of weight. I don't actually use the videos, but they have the breakdowns written down and they are good workouts, so I did the third one of those (did the first two sometime in the last few weeks) with my own music on. It was good, though I kept getting interrupted by kids and my sister calling.

The hockey friend ended up spending the night. It was sad really.... as soon as the dad got to our house, the kids begged for a sleepover. Well, turns out it's more like a half hour drive from their house, so.... he just turned around and went home.... an hour drive for nothing. Except that somehow Larry and he got talking and figured out he needed a tire to finish off a zip line he's putting in, and we happen to have a few tires sitting around, so he did get a tire out of it. Funny thing is, his mother and grandmother (yes, we have friends who's grandmother is still alive! Amazing!) were sitting in the car the whole time. When we were walking back toward the car, I looked at it and remembered them and said "I hope they have the windows open!" and Sanjay said "they're cold all the time -- they're from India.... this is nothing for them!" and we walked up and sure enough they were sitting there in the closed car all that time!! I felt so bad, but I guess they were ok.

Hottie, so crazy about the gas yesterday! Is the headache gone?

Does anyone remember when Joanne's party is? I'm sure we won't hear from her til Monday..... I hope she's not stressed!!! I think it's today, right? Because she talked about going back to costco today to pick up the cake, right?

I've got to get in the shower..... going wine tasting later this afternoon for a friend's 50th birthday celebration!
Ok. So I went and did Cardio Axe and Ab Ripper 200, after I finished typing! My headache is gone, but I feel dizzy and queasy. :confused: I think this was the 2nd time I did Cardio Axe, and again, was suprised at how I sweat pretty big! And I felt like I was "just dancing" , even though I "just dance" like a white girl. Oh my hips do NOT move like Leandro!!!!

Beth: LOL! Yes Peanut Butter and Cool Whip. I take a spoon of peanut butter and dip it into the (Fat Free) Cool Whip. It's GOOD!!!!! . Now I feel like I could puke, but , it was good at the time. I think shaking it up with Cardio Axe and Advils wasn't such a hot idea. :rolleyes: So I think I may take a raincheck on that beer too!! :eek:... Thanks for the info and feedback on that site and eating plan. I am going to try it. Monday I'll start counting calories and see what the 2000+ will feel like. ... That's funny about the hockey friend. I know my boys always are asking at the last minute to 'stay longer' or 'sleep over'. ... I don't remember if Joanne's party was Friday NIGHT or Saturday during the day. Either way, I hope everythng is going ok too!... Enjoy that wine tasting!!!
i'll post more later but I have to tutor right now -- I did CCC except circuit 4 which I hate and STS Legs Disc 12! I'm done mesocycle 1! woot!
Oh wow..its been a day. So, I woke up in the middle of the night with a nightmare which made me wake up Joe who hadn't fallen asleep until 1a. We eventually fell asleep but then Evee woke me up when she tried to "panini" again which got me out of bed. Had a super healthy breakfast, did some stuff around the house, and went to lab to set something up. Came back and futzed to eventually do CCC -- except circuit #4 but I did the cross body pushups. Walked the dog as my cool down and did STS Legs! Done Mesocycle 1! Woot! Showered and tutored my MCAT student in Ochem for over 1.5 hrs. My voice hurts. And then I waited too long before eating so I was dizzy. I called my mom and talked to her for an hour and I decided I'd rather make dinner and then go to lab instead of the other way around. Some awesome red tea is helping my throat out...yes, its a boring day but it flew by!

Kathy -- wohoo to a night to yourself! I hope your boy kicked some butt at baseball!

Chris -- well, your hips may not move like leonardo, but do they lie like Shakira? :) Sounds like you had fun though. I will tell Joe about the PB/Advil combo...sounds like this kinda thing...do you have to go in tonight for work?

Beth -- yeah, I would agree from what I read about metabolism profiles that eating too little screws it up. You know the shock your body thing? There are these scientists that try to "shock" the metabolism to keep it running but its surprisingly how well the body can adapt. I haven't touched a single crap food today. Those oreos are eyeing me though. Its weird...when you don't have any processed food in your mouth, your cravings for them die more. I smiled about the India comment. My mother says that you get adjusted after the first two decades plenty and then India is freaking hot. I have to go buy some new wines...Joe and I discovered some new dessert wines that we like...

Off to make indian stir fry cabbage. Not sure if its so good for a hot day but Joe's been asking for it for a while so I aim to please...
HI everyone...

Today is a rest day for me. I would love to go do our walk. But, we have to go to an earlier mass this morning because we have Chris' end of the season party for his baseball team. Maybe this afternoon...

Chris: I really loved the June rotation. I took off about 3 or 4 pounds. Most of that was some that I kept loosing and putting back on. I am hoping to keep it off by keeping the walking going...I can tell it is helping in the core since I really try to emphasis the pumping of the arms and stuff. I am also going to try not to eat badly in Florida. I don't want to start all over again loosing the same pounds when we get back! PB and coolwhip..I never tried them together. But, I loved them both and bet it is good...

Beth: I went to that webstite, too. I got that I could go around 2082 for moderate and 2317 for very active. But, it is weird. I just don't seem to loose weight when I eat that many calories. Hum? Maybe I need to focus on what is eaten...HOw was the wine tasting? Vic loves to do that. We haven't gone in a while though..

Hottie: Thanks...Chris didn't play last night. But, he had a great time watching our local minors team. They even got their seats upgraded to better ones on the first base line...Hope the voice is better today...

Ok, time to eat breakfast and then get in the shower to get ready for church. I had a nice quiet evening. I watched a movie and then read my book...

Talk to you later...
Good morning! Kathy, good results on that june rotation!! Maintaining is so hard, isn't it? Honestly, to me it seems harder than losing. For a while I decided maintaining just meant adding on a few pounds taking them off, repeat, but I"m really sick of that, too. Hope the party is fun!

Hottie, crazy day yesterday, but yea for you for finishing meso 1!!! That was quite an STS combo you did! Very intense. And you think that doesn't qualify as very active or whatever?! You are nuts! :) Oh, and the grandmas were fresh in from India, so still used to those temps I guess! :)

The birthday celebration was fun -- some of my best friends there (except for you guys, of course!!), and it was such a beautiful place! My gosh! I "joined". It's a free membership, you just have to buy three bottles a quarter and then you get free wine tastings for you and your guests. Plus, it looks like they are trying to get more of a restaurant license, and the kicker was that they are only going to allow so many members and then close it off, so it seemed like a good thing for a local girl to do. :) We then went to the host's house to continue the partying.... she is the next door neighbor of the birthday girl. She has no kids -- is some really high exec at IBM (for 27 years!), and her house/yard is absolutely gorgeous! Both she and her husband grew up in various tropical areas, so it's all done as a combination of native and tropical plants.... sounds strange, but it really works, and it was like walking into the Four Seasons at Shangrila or something. So nice. I stayed for a while and finally got a call from Dylan begging me to come home and I was pretty much ready anyway. So, nice evening!!

Today was a "light" weight day for me, so I started to do a firm and then just couldn't stand it, so I put Ellen's Skinny Sculpt in. As I was doing it it did feel as though I've done a lot of her lately (because I have). My calves were really sore from yesterday's workout, for some reason, but I think they're fine now after some movement. I hate to say it but I think I'm already questioning my rotation -- oh brother! I am a wack-job!!! :)

Waves to Chris and Joanne! How was work, Chris? And how is your head today?

Have a good one, all! Hottie, I hope you slept better last night!
Good morning. Well, I got up early ready to do a HiiT workout so I could drive down to San Diego and go to the WAP with my friend but Joe wasn't getting up. I snuggled next to him thinking, its just 30 minute workout and I finished a bunch of stuff too thinking it might help him ease up but nope, he's sick. He called my friend and cancelled. Goddamnit, we paid for that membership and didn't go once this year...each time we schedule for it we cancelled. So, now I have more time today but with Joe out of commission, I imagine I'm stuck doing a ton more work. That said, I think I'm going to do IM2 to start out my "active recovery" week.

Oh so tell me if you guys think this is weird. Joe complains the reason why he doesn't get me anything is because 1) he doens't know what to get me, and 2) he never knows when its a good price (despite being trained for almost a decade now). So, I had this idea -- I open up a window with multiple tabs with shopping carts from different stores full of things I want with appropriate coupons applied. Then Joe picks which tab to complete the purchase, closes the window, and then I have wait until shipment. Its a compromise right? And I might get cute shoes in the process....

Kathy -- HEY! You can take back these 3-4 pounds back from me thank you very much! ;) I misread about Chris's game. I'm just happy that the cubs are totally sucking it right now so I don't have to hear about baseball at all.

Beth -- I totally envy people who can create gardens like that! And you walk through it thinking, wow, these people are so creative and zen look how gorgeous! And then there's my yard with my ghetto makeshift self watering pots out of kitty litter pails and I'm like, yep, this totally explains my attitude. My hammies are sore but I hope IM2 (when I get to it) will fix them out. I like Skinny scuplt but I think its weak on the abs -- that said, if I can do an ab section its weak! OHHH!! I DID SO MANY MORE CORE MOVES YESTERDAY FROM CCC. I was totally impressed with myself. I still can't do that one where you roll on your back, roll up, and do a pushup, but I was practicing last night after lab and I think I may have figured something out.

SO MUCH TO DO! (But ya'll can distract me)
IM2 is done! Man, that's a fun workout. But it was pretty hard with the tight hammies. Now to shower and get a ton of stuff done! Where are my distractions?!
Hey girls

Night at work wasn't too bad. My headache let up, but I felt kind of "hungover", exhausted from fighting the pain all day, I guess. Exhausted doesn't go well with having to work all night! But I survived. Actually felt pretty good at 7:30a, quitting time! :eek:

But I woke up and the house was sticky/muggy/humid and my head hurt , but not as bad.

I turned on the AC, and still am feeling heavy headed.

Praying for a good night tnight!!

The Jehova Witness patient is still with us. His blood counts are not compatible with life. His hemoglobin and hematocrit is 3 and 10. A "normal" one for a man is 15 and 46. He can hardly move without feeling exhausted and his heart rate going up into the 130's. I just don't know how he's going to live much longer. And to boot, his platelets are a whopping 3! I was glad I wasn't his nurse last night. So hard!

Sounds like a fun Saturday for you! Congrats on your loss! You're inspiring me!!

Beth: OMG, that wine and after party sound so cool! Wish I were there! LOL @ questioning your rotation.

Hottie: You're a nut!!! Also inspiring you finished STS AND did extra cardio!!!! You are a machine!!!!

Sorry for such short personals, it's a short day for me. ...

See you guys tomorrow! I'm so excited to go back into Turbo Fire!!!
Aw c'mon Chris, it was a peanut butter - cool whip hangover and you know it! ;) So sad about that patient!! And so amazing he is hanging on. Must be so hard for his family.

I can't wait to hear more of what you think about turbo fire. I am pretty convinced I don't want it, but I do think I'll do a tj in the next few days just to see how it is.

It got super hot here, so we headed to the beach with the zillions of others. Larry called off the temperature as we drove. I'm not sure what we started at -- in the 80s, and it got down to 67 or 68 something like that. Dylan and Larry went boogie boarding, Travis and I just played in the shallow water. We watched the cops hassle some young guys (who truly did look like they needed hassling!) and I had to explain to Travis why it is that cops hassle young men. I think he sort of got it. I must say that most of those people on the beach have probably never set foot near a Cathe video. Sheesh, it was rather depressing looking around, I gotta say! Though there was one very fit woman out there doing a boot camp with a bunch of little kids. It was funny! Anyway, we're back in the heat now wondering what we're going to do about dinner.... I'm pooped! We may watch Alice after dinner.

Hottie, sorry to hear Joe is sick and your day at the animal park was cancelled. No chance to go before the year expires? That is a bummer, but you have to just look at it as doing your part to help the place stay open. That's how I look at those kinds of unused memberships.

I need to do CCC one of these days, but I think I'm afraid of it.

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