Hi all!! Didn't get a chance to get in yesterday. I was off work and running around with the kids. Birthday party, end of school year party, soccer camp. I took them to see Up. It was cute, definitely tolerable for adults! Except, of course, ate too much popcorn. But I skipped dinner cause my stomach felt so gross. Will I ever learn? I did do Mindy's Action Packed step workout in the morning. Very fun! She's so cute. Chris, did you also do the hi/lo? I was too pooped to do that part. I'm going to try it another day though.
This morning was Sharon Twombly's All Body Cardio. Wow, what a long, sweaty workout!! It was fun, though. Lots of variety.
Beth, I know what you mean. This no rotation thing is kind of good and bad. It's good cause I pick what I want, but bad cause I think way too much about what workout I'm going to do. I'm basically just rotating circuits with cardio days. I'm liking the variety. Still deciding if I'm going to start the Circuit City rotation Monday or keep winging it. I did think about doing Lalo this morning (the DVD, not him
- OK, bad joke!
). He is fun to look at! I saw that your pad thai was a hit! Very cool! I used to experiment all the time with new recipes and usually DH would eat it, but the kids would complain. Lately I've been sticking with basic stuff, but it's getting boring.
Chris, like Beth said, think about all the good things you do than that mistake which wasn't your fault. I know, way easier to say than do and the fact that you are sick about it shows what a great nurse you are, if that makes sense. Is that premix Boot Camp without the core or a combination of Bootcamp/ME? There's a premix on that DVD - I think it's called bonus premix or something like that, which is a combination of both workouts and is really good.
Hottie, hope Joe is OK. Do you know what caused the reaction?
Vilma, happy anniversary to you and the Mr.!!!
I'm almost done with New Moon. Jameson wants to go to Borders since he has a gift card, so I may get the next one while we're there. Oh, and the book Chris recommended.
Kathy, I love B&G!! Have fun!
Another crazy weekend for us. Colin just joined Cub Scouts and there's some cub-o-ree thing tomorrow. There's also a heart picnic tomorrow. The children's hospital has a picnic every year for all of the heart patients. We've gone a few times, but not in a couple years. I really want to take Caitlyn this year. I think it'll be good for her to meet some other kids who have gone through what she has. She's starting to ask lots of questions. Luckily both events are in the same forest preserve! Jameson has a soccer game tonight and two on Sunday. We also have a soccer party tonight for Colin's team and my nephew's graduation party tomorrow. Whew! Tired just thinking about it all!
Have to run...have a great day all!