My contractions woke me about 6 AM Wednesday. The previous AM I had experienced similar contractions, so I stayed in bed and tried to go back to sleep. When I realized I couldn’t go to sleep, I decided to time them and found they were 10 minutes apart. I still wasn’t convinced this was the main event, so ruled out “other” possibilities. I attempted to check my cervix and when I touched the anterior lip had a nice strong contraction… I knew this was it. Matthew got up… I stayed moving… we finished getting my bag ready… got Sydney ready… fixed breakfast… made some phone calls. I discovered some bloody show and my contractions were 3-4 minutes apart. I decided to head to the hospital even though I wasn’t hurting because a) I knew Jordan wasn’t engaged at my last prenatal visit. I didn’t want my water to break at home since I knew he wasn’t engaged (see… it is a pain to work in OB/Gyn) b) I also didn’t know how quickly I would progress… I was 4 cm, –2 station at my last prenatal on Monday, and c) I wanted on the monitor to assess Jordan.
My husband and I got to the hospital around 9 am, my husband overheard one of the nurses say there was no way I was in labor… I was too calm. Hehe!!! On admission, I was 5 cm, -1 station, contractions every 5 minutes (they spread out after I stopped walking). My mother and best friend joined the party and helped keep the mood light. I laughed and joked through my contractions and within an hour my contractions were every 2-3 minutes. As the contractions increased in intensity and duration, I became more focused and serious… but I still managed to crack up at some of the court cases on Judge Mathis (nothing else on). I had a very difficult time relaxing… the bed wasn’t as comfortable as the one I delivered my daughter in… my coccyx and hips (which had been bothering me the last few weeks of my pregnancy) were aching constantly even between contractions… I tried and tried to relax but couldn’t. I finally decided to try Stadol with the hope I could relax… it was a wonder drug… I can’t put into words the change in my body. **NOTE: Time is a bit of a blur after the Stadol… I can’t remember every moment like I did with my first… timing and events could be off. I received ½ a dose an hour and 15 minutes later and was 9 cm, +1 station. By 1:15ish pm, I was almost complete… just the anterior rim/lip… so they let me start pushing. My water broke while I was pushing, and he finally arrived at 1:49 pm. I used (tried at least) to use the abdominal pushing of the C-Shaped Pushback…. although I was being coached the complete opposite… but I did it my way… it makes a remarkable difference.
Jordan was immediately placed on my stomach. His face was just as I pictured it from the U/S… he looks like Sydney… he weighed 6 #’s 10.5 oz, 18.5 inches long. There are no words to describe how much love I felt for him when I saw (see) him. I have loved him from the moment I knew I was pregnant but to see his face… he is no longer just a dream or wish or prayer. I held him for a while and then he went to the nursery until 3:30 or so when he came out to breastfeed. He nursed like a pro and continues to do so. He is on an apnea monitor at night because he had three episodes of regurging and turning dusky… I think my family doc is just being cautious and trying to provide us a better sleep time. Other than that we are doing great! In fact, I am working on Matthew for a third baby… wish me luck!
I, like Christy, want to thank you ladies for all your support and inspiration during my pregnancy! I can’t wait to get started with my workouts and will see you in the post-partum check-in soon.
I have been lucky to experience easy deliveries, and I wish for all the mommies-to-be that each of you have a wonderful labor and delivery experience too! God bless and take care!
~Jordan Matthew born 07-14-04
My husband and I got to the hospital around 9 am, my husband overheard one of the nurses say there was no way I was in labor… I was too calm. Hehe!!! On admission, I was 5 cm, -1 station, contractions every 5 minutes (they spread out after I stopped walking). My mother and best friend joined the party and helped keep the mood light. I laughed and joked through my contractions and within an hour my contractions were every 2-3 minutes. As the contractions increased in intensity and duration, I became more focused and serious… but I still managed to crack up at some of the court cases on Judge Mathis (nothing else on). I had a very difficult time relaxing… the bed wasn’t as comfortable as the one I delivered my daughter in… my coccyx and hips (which had been bothering me the last few weeks of my pregnancy) were aching constantly even between contractions… I tried and tried to relax but couldn’t. I finally decided to try Stadol with the hope I could relax… it was a wonder drug… I can’t put into words the change in my body. **NOTE: Time is a bit of a blur after the Stadol… I can’t remember every moment like I did with my first… timing and events could be off. I received ½ a dose an hour and 15 minutes later and was 9 cm, +1 station. By 1:15ish pm, I was almost complete… just the anterior rim/lip… so they let me start pushing. My water broke while I was pushing, and he finally arrived at 1:49 pm. I used (tried at least) to use the abdominal pushing of the C-Shaped Pushback…. although I was being coached the complete opposite… but I did it my way… it makes a remarkable difference.
Jordan was immediately placed on my stomach. His face was just as I pictured it from the U/S… he looks like Sydney… he weighed 6 #’s 10.5 oz, 18.5 inches long. There are no words to describe how much love I felt for him when I saw (see) him. I have loved him from the moment I knew I was pregnant but to see his face… he is no longer just a dream or wish or prayer. I held him for a while and then he went to the nursery until 3:30 or so when he came out to breastfeed. He nursed like a pro and continues to do so. He is on an apnea monitor at night because he had three episodes of regurging and turning dusky… I think my family doc is just being cautious and trying to provide us a better sleep time. Other than that we are doing great! In fact, I am working on Matthew for a third baby… wish me luck!
I, like Christy, want to thank you ladies for all your support and inspiration during my pregnancy! I can’t wait to get started with my workouts and will see you in the post-partum check-in soon.
I have been lucky to experience easy deliveries, and I wish for all the mommies-to-be that each of you have a wonderful labor and delivery experience too! God bless and take care!
~Jordan Matthew born 07-14-04