Jillybean & Krispy Kremes...


Hey Jillybean, about your post (elsewhere) concerning your introduction to Krispy Kremes -- let me just say that you are too funny, girl.

You know, Krispy Kremes are a native Greensboro, North Carolina chain and I am darn proud to claim them, being a native North Carolinian myself. For years now, KK's have been duly famous down here in the Southland -- so famous, in fact, that we think of Krispy Kreme doughnuts as a food group unto themselves.

To truly experience a KK, you must go to the KK store when the neon sign is LIT UP indicating that HOT doughnuts are fresh from the oven. Oh. My. Gosh. I'm telling you, the aroma alone will cause you to wonder which is better, a great man or a great KK doughnut. The doughnut itself will answer the question for ya. :)

Have we got any other Krispy Kreme fans out there in our Forums? Or are there those of you who have actually not HAD one? (We can fix that -- they keep pretty well when mailed. I know that because my mom actually sent some to me in college a couple of light years ago. :))

Your cyber-friend who's deeply enjoyed a few KKs in her time,

Kathy S.
I notice you said, 'enjoyed' in your post. How come the past tense? Are you telling me that my penchant for these pastries will someday subside! Woo Hoo! In the meantime, there is currently one KK open in Minnesota, 11 more are coming - bring it on!
Enjoyed??? Oh no no no...

Hoo boy, no ma'am, I did NOT mean to imply that I am over the KK addiction! :-wow That's a lifetime membership club, my dear. I'm just temporarily abstaining while I try to break through the plateau in my weight where I've been stuck for months. I could be wrong about this and SOMEBODY CORRECT ME if I am, but I'm thinkin' that KK doughnuts probably aren't "clean eating."

Kathy S.
Definite Krispy Kreme fan here. I'm just lucky that I can't usually get them--we're in the military and living in Germany right now. But when I was back in the States in Feb. we hit the Krispy Kreme section of the grocery store at least every other day. I brought 5 dozen on the flight back here to share with my German friends who don't have such goodies--you can be sure they were very well recieved! --Karen
yes have had Krispy Kremes and LOOOOVE THEM!!!! Are you sure they're not considered clean eating? Oh come on, just tell me they are please so I won't feel too bad next time I stuff three in my face! HA!

Karen: We're PCSing to Germany in June. How far are you from Heidelberg? How hard is it to get on the internet and stay connected to this forum?!?

Thanks for the info. Katie
Don't get me started..... :D

When I was in college, there were nights my roommate and I would get up out of bed and head over to KK for 3-4 doughnuts and a glass of cold milk (those were the days!) The hot doughnut thing is a must and I have always maintained that there will be KK's in heaven!

from Raleigh, NC - we even have a KK cabinet in the hospital cafeteria where I work - this is truly evil! }>
Arrrrrgh!! :D :D
After I read this thread about Krispy Kremes (even the name sounds 'yummy').... I couldn't get them out of my head. I kept thinking about you girls eating all these KK's....and we just got a Krispy Creme store in town..... so I just HAD to DO it....LOL

I had two this morning.....that...after being soooo gooood doing without sugar for almost a year.!!! They really melt in your mouth, don't they?
Tell me that KK's are really good for us. :-jumpy LOL


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