Jillian Micheals


Hi everyone! I wanted some opinions for this-

I wanted to start a rotation for august using Jillian Micheals newest dvd's I forgot the names of them but I have the cardio circuit one and the other one the that uses 3 or 5 lbs which is also circuit style. I think the names are Blast Fat Boost Metabolism and the other one is 30 day shred.

I wanted to take a break from going to the gym and using my cathe dvds.
Do you think I will lose any muscle I have by doing this for a month?
hey wonderwoman! I dont' know how intense the Jilian workouts are, but if they use lower weights than what you use with cathe, I don't think you'll lose muscle. You'll probably just keep what you have. I think it might be good for you body to mix up a little bit, might give your body a shock to help through a platue (physically/mentally-bordem). Anyway, I hope that helped!;) Enjoy your other workouts!:D
Oh you guys are great. Thank you so much for your responses. I was also wondering if I should keep the same calories or go a little lower. I normally eat anywhere from 1500-1700 calories.
Well I think if the workouts are not as strenuous, just keep the same amount of caloric intake. cause it seems either way, wether JM kicks your butt like Cathe, or not...I would say keep the same amount. But if you feel you should eat more cause your body is telling you "I have no energy woman!" then I'd say eat a SMIDGE more...hehe!!:p
Oh and just for my own opinion, i DO NOT think you should go lower. where you're at is rather on the low side. I mean, I know I don't know your bodies physical needs, but I wouldn't go lower, just to keep it safe.
I like Jillian's workouts and have found them to be pretty intense, especially if you are used to heavy lifting, as I was when I started them. I wouldn't drop my calories any lower.

BTW I've had great results doing a summer rotation of (p90x)/Jillian's circuits/mix of them both.

Good luck!
Oh thanks guys. I'm excited to start now! Okay so I'll stick with my normal caloric intake.
I will do the fatfree milk after my workouts. Thanks again.
Oh by the way Sparrow can you share what your rotation looked like? Because I also have P90x Thanks!

Thanks for asking Sparrow this! I've been meaning to ask her for a while now but kept forgetting! I'd like to try it at some point if she'll be so kind as to share her secret with us! ;)
Of course I am happy to share! :D I am running out to work in the garden now but will post later OR tomorrow! :)
I have been using the Shred workout for the last 30 days. It was an experiment on my part, just to see what would happen. I did each level for 10 days. You will not lose muscle from working with Jillian. In fact I have gained strength and definition in my upper body. Now I only lost 3 lbs, but I lost 1-1/2" in my waist, 1/2" on each thigh and 3/4" in my hips.

This was my basic schedule, for kickboxing I used Kelley's 30 Min to Fitness Kickboxing with weighted gloves, Cathe's 4DS Kickboxing cardio only, and CTX Kicboxing cardio and arm drills. I also used 4lb weights through all levels. Again this was an experiment with the weights also. :)

M Shred / 20-30 min interval run
T Shred / 20-30 min kickboxing
W Shred / 20-30 min run
T Shred / 20-30 min kickboxing
F Shred / 20-30 min interval run
S Shred
S Shred

Just wanted to share.... I finished STS about a month or so ago, and since then I have been doing circuits and total body workouts -- Jillian, Lalo, etc., and one day a week of kettlebells, and also adding some barre work in on cardio days in the last couple of weeks or so. I just did pyramid this week for the first time in a long time, and it's the first time I've lifted "heavy" since finishing STS. My muscles felt like they haven't felt in a very long time. So while I don't think I lost any strength, something different was definitely happening in there (I was able to keep up with Cathe and some muscle groups I did heavier than before going through STS). It's back to splits for me for a while, though I sure enjoyed that rotation!!!
Hey Guys!!

I have not forgotten I've just been out straight. I was going to do it tonight but the town hall meeting ran late and we just got in a few minutes ago. I will post tomorrow I promise!!! SORRY!!! :)
I had posted in the beginning of this thread that I was going to start a Jillian Micheals August Rotation using her 3 DVD's. 30 Day Shred, No More Trouble Zones, and Blast Fat Boost Motabolism just to changes thing up and try something different.

Let me start off by saying I've been going the gym for the last 8 weeks doing absolutely no Cathe dvd's what so ever wanted a break from that too. I was running and lifting 8-10 reps split doing legs twice a week. I consider my self to be pretty fit.

Jillian Micheals really kicked my butt! I was sweating and huffing and puffing everywhere! (to my surprise!!!!) I even had to stop and hit the pause button in all 3 dvd's. I had to lower my weights on the shoulder moves in NMTZ. Jillian uses 3 but I thought I was going to be able to use 5's YEAH RIGHT.

I burned 350 calories for NMTZ, 300 for BFBM, and 372 for 30 Day Shred and I only did level 2 and half of level 3.

I think I really got my moneys worth considering I only paid 23 bucks for all 3 dvd's. Anyway just though I'd share!!!!

I do NOT think you'll find Jillian's workouts less intense! Trust me! :D

Good luck! I believe you'll be pleased with your results from using BFBM, NMTZ and 30 Day Shred... 3 of my favorite workouts!

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