Jewelry party -- do I have to go?


Does anyone know if one is expected to buy something at those home-hosted parties? I just moved into a neighborhood, and the woman across the street gave me an invitation to a "jewelry party." It's really not up my alley, and I don't want to spend money. On the other hand, I would like to meet a few neighbors and I don't want to seem unsociable. Is it better to not go if I don't want to buy? I'm not sure what the protocol is at these types of parties, since I've never been to one. Any ideas?
Hi Deborah! Maybe give her a call and just tell her it's not in your budget right now but you'd like to meet some of the neighbors. I am sure she'll welcome you! Don't feel bad about not buying.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
It's funny you should post this! I went to one last night that my neighbor invited me to and it was at another neighbor's house. They called it a "wine and cheese" party but it was really a jewelry party. Definitely NOT my cup of tea either but I went and I actaully had a great time, although it was tough to feign interest in jewelry I could care less about. I met a lot of my neighbors and got invited to a few other functions also. I ended up buying a $20 pair of earrings really just to be nice. They did keep telling us not to feel obligated to buy.
I've been to a bunch of these things and you definetely DO NOT have to buy anything. It's more or less just a reason for people to get together and hang out. Don't feel obligated to buy--I wouldn't even bother calling your neighbor. Tell her you'd love to go and when you get there, browse around, mingle, have a drink and then head home. They can be really fun.

Oh, man! I can't believe they Amwayed you! They should at least tell you what you're in for. Man! I wouldn't have bought a thing... and for spite, I think I would have picked up a half-empty bottle of wine on the way out and said, "You don't mind if I take this, do you? Buh-bye" }(

And I'd be sure to get some details about these other "functions" that you've been invited to. Didn't you ever see "Rosemary's Baby?"
I can't stand those parties! My neighbor is always having some event at her house; jewelry, baskets, candles, make up, you name it. I used to feel obligated to go, now I don't even bother to respond, although I still get invitations. I don't care if the liquor is free. I'm done!
No offense to any people involved, but I truly cannot stand these types of parties where you feel pressured into buying some useless, super fugly crap.


I'm not gaining weight. I'm retaining food.
I say go and meet some new neighbors. My first day of Cosmetology School I was invited to a purse party I went with intentions of being polite and maybe not liking anything I ended up buying a purse and a matching wallet. If it is not in your budget maybe you have an acquaintence that might be interested in coming with you or maybe you might want to host your own show you could book a party. Nobody is obligated to buy. I was a consultant for The Body Shop and there were always several people that went away not purchasing anything but they may pass your name and number along or get outside orders but just coming is appreciated. Good Luck with your decision if you go have fun!


"Another one that proves equipment is not necessary to get the job done" -Cathe Friedrich
Last night I went to a scrapbooking party, just to socialize. I let the lady know ahead of time that I am not into scapbooking. So, here I sit with the order form filled out, and I don't think I will buy after all. I say, don't buy and it really is a way to get out of the house. Melissa
How funny- I just got an invite today for a jewelry party. I love Pampered Chef, Stampin Up, hmm... What others, I really don't mind them but I hate to feel obligated to buy and so if it's something I'm not into, I usually don't go. I'm not into jewelry but I'll give it a shot since I've never seen one of these before. I'll probably buy under $20 just to be supportive. I think you should go even though you are not planning on purchasing anything. It show's support just showing up! :)
Ugh, I hate home parties, but since you're new and want to meet neighbors, I'd go and just not buy anything. My SIL hosts a lot of different parties and she's never upset if someone comes and doesn't buy.
I would go. Being the person I am, I would feel obligated to buy at least SOMETHING small. You'll probably be able to find a pair of earrings that won't break your budget.

My sister has Party Lite and Pampered Chef shows all the time. I don't usually go (she lives 3 hours away), but I always order something anyway. I can always use more candles!
I have thrown one or two of these stupid parties for kicks and grins. I have told people I could give a rat's behind if they buy anything but I will be mad if I make all the effort (& spend the $$) to put out a nice spread of food and drink and no one bothers to stop by and socialize for a bit.

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