

Comments on Carnivale? Did I see a young Justin raping Iris? What is it about this show & rape? I have to admit this is starting to bother me. It seems like every single woman on this show has either been raped or has been in danger of being raped at some point.

Anyway, that would support jdoll's theory of Sofie being Justin's daughter. Also b/c when Iris was I guess reading Sofie's mind & she heard the rapist yelling at her mother it sounded exactly like Justin. Also I'm wondering if there's a child of incest running around out there somewhere, & who it might be........could it be Ben? Management? Jonesy?

And did that thing w/Lila & Ruthie completely freak you out? I was laughing pretty hard at that one.

And who did the severed head belong to that Ben saw in that water trough? I thought it might be Scudder's, but then maybe Lodz's, or maybe the reverend who raised Justin & Iris......I'm so confused! :eek:
The head was Scudder's. I didn't see that coming at all - Justin hiding in the back seat.

Justin wasn't raping Iris I don't think - I think it was Sophie's mom. I agree about rape being a too common element to the show - I wish they could just elude to it without being so graphic.

The Ruthie and Lila thing was hilarious - I knew it was Ruthie (blind guy) crawling to her. What is his name? I'm confused about what he has to do with everything...I know he was close with Management.
That's Lodz, the guy Ben killed. Frankly I can't even remember exactly what he did for the Carnivale before Ben killed him. I think he was a psychic or something.

When Sofie & Iris were talking, Iris had her hands on Sofie's arm, & when you hear Sofie's mom getting raped Iris flashed really quickly on a boy raping a girl. I'm pretty sure it was Justin & her.

Darn......serves me right for going to the bathroom during the last 20 minutes of the show. I missed Justin hiding in the backseat--whose backseat? Was he w/Ben & Jonesy?
Lodz, right should've known that.

I thought it was Apollonia (Sophie's mom) because Iris commented to Sophie that she and Justin loved St. Paul, MN when they were there, and then she told her she was a fortune teller in the Carnivale, and that's when she had her vision, or flash back. I thought that Justin looked up at Iris while she was standing there watching, and didn't he say something to her? Hmmmm. I may have to rewatch it and see.

The guy with the glasses who was giving the info about how Scudder had to be in his right mind to be killed, he broke into the cabin and asked Scudder where some manuscript was - he told Scudder he would kill him before Justin could get to him as incentive to tell him where it was. Scudder told him and he tried to leave without killing him and all hell broke loose, Scudder killed him and wrapped him up in the straight jacket. When Stroud (I think that's his name) came to check on him, Scudder jumped in the car and took off - Justin was in the back seat and cut his head off with the sickle.
OK, I just watched that part again and Justin says "hold still, you gypsy b***h!" and then he sees Iris watching and says "Iris?". That must be why you though it was Iris...
OMG I completely missed Justin cutting off Scudder's head. This cannot be a good thing!

So seriously, was I hallucinating? b/c I swear I saw like a 10 second scene--right when Justin is telling her to hold still--when there's a girl bent over a table w/a boy behind her, basically the same position Sofie's mom was in, I could've sworn it was Justin & Iris as children. You have it on tape? Could you watch it one more time so I know for sure whether I'm losing my mind? ;)
Alright I just watched it again and paused it so I could see who it was, it was definitely Apellonia and Justin on the table - She had curly dark hair, not red, and he wouldn't call Iris a gypsy b***h. She must've been having a flashback to when she walked in on them together since he said "Iris?" in a startled voice.
OK, I gotcha now but I'm even more confused b/c Appellonia was raped by a naked dude & this guy was almost fully clothed. Man that show leaves me w/more questions every time I see it.
Didn't Justin have the tree tatooed on his chest? I think that the naked guy was supposed to represent Justin...maybe jdoll can give us some insight...?
Sorry ladies, i haven't been online and i just saw this. Appelonia is (was) Sophie's mother. The reason i had suspected Justin was her father is b/c of the rape flashback Appelonia showed to Sophie(last season) of her being raped by a tattoed man. This thoery has now been confirmed! Iris was having a flashback about the time she witnessed Justin raping a a woman (Appleonia)"Gypsy" triggered her memory. Justin looked up and saw Iris watching them and hollered at her. I have a feeling the flashback has not been shown it's entirety yet. I think there will be another flashback that will show what happened after he knew she was watching. There are only 2 episodes left this season and i hope they solve the mystery and don't make us wait for major plot info like last season!

and poor Ruthie!!! i bet she is so confused!!! she doesn't really like Lila anyway. I am curious to find out what happens with LIbby telling the truth about Ben's gift.

That was Scutter's head in the trough. I was thinking that Justin had gotten there before the other guy and taken possesion of Scutter's body so he could kill that man. Otherwise, Scutter could have escaped the entire time, so that didn't make sense that he could break through his restraints just at that moment. The drugs had worn off though, so who knows!? these writers are brilliant with plot twists! think there will be another season? i think there will have to be. I am thinking that Ben and Sophie aren't finished with each other yet. I bet she ends up pregnant from their skirmish and they have the miracle child that's half evil and half good. What do ya'll think????

No I didn't but I think I can catch it tomorrow night.

I am still confused about Appelonia's rape. Two or three times they showed it happening in her trailer w/the mutant guy who I guess had all those tattoos (I swear I still remember him having scales & some kind of stubby tale, but I'm really starting to question my memory LOL).

I have no doubt Sofie & Ben are just beginning. I think Sofie is more connected to him in some way than either of them know yet. She's obviously part of this holy war--at least according to Lodz.

I am so glad they switched it to 10:00 so I can watch Desperate Housewives & Carnivale on the same night. :) Although I do have a little trouble staying up for the whole show, old lady that I am.
I was just on HBO's website and there is a Carnivale 2 coming up! It doesn't say when though and they only have one little picture but it looks like different cast members - I hope some of this seasons cast members stay :(... I'm so excited! I hope it's as good.
I'll have to go check that out!!

Appelonia showed Sophie the flashback while they were in the trailer, but i don't recall it happened in the trailer. I bet they will show more of it soon. Maybe it happened more than once?????

I wondered about that too jes!

Ben being good. Justin evil. Sofie being justin's daughter. Ben & Sofie slept together. A child of both blood lines! That would interesting!
I can't wait to see what happens.

And another thing...
Was scudder good or evil?

Ben was Scudder's son. Justin/Alexi was Management's son.
Ben received his "boon" from Management. They booth had blue blood.
Justin recieved his from Scudder. Both Justin and Scudder had black eyes.

It's all a delicious confusing web.

I love this show!

I think Scutter was ultimately good (hence Ben's gifts) but i still haven't figured out his and management's connetion and where Lodz and his stupid bear come in. I have to say that the Carnivale board on HBO is terribly confusing and a huge mess. i can't get any info over there.

I only remember Scutter having black eyes when (he) killed the guy who wanted the manurscript. Did he have black eyes before that? Also, Ben only had blue blood once he had killed management. So many details with this show!!

I really wonder what Iris is up to. Now that she knows who Sophie is, i wonder if she will tell her and since Sophie is sort of prescient, i wonder if she already knows and that is why she went to Justin's house and took the maid's position. I think she did that on purpose.


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